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Asalāmu Álaykum wa raHmatullah

Welcome to TheSunniWay! The aim and mission of this website is to propagate the correct Áqaýed (beliefs) and Manhaj (teachings) of the Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jamaáh as written in the works of the great Imām of the Aĥl as-Sunnah, and revivalist of the 14th century, Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Rida al-Qadri rahīmahullāh wa rađiyAllāhu ánh. 

The site mainly concentrates in bringing the teachings of the maslak (path) of Imam Ahmed RiDa al-Qadri rahimahullah to the English speaking masses, and In-shaáAllah with your help, we will fulfil this aim.

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