Water falling in bucket during Ghusl

Published on Friday, 23 January 2015 19:20 in Cleanliness - Read 9211 times

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I just have a question regarding ghusl. Now at my parents house they dont have a shower, they just have a bath with a bucket and a jug, now when performing ghusl; lets say for example i have used one bucket and my body is wet then when filling the second bucket if drops of water enter the bucket does that make the water dirty, or is that water still clean and will the ghusl count?


Any water that has given the benefit of Wudu or Ghusl to a person is regarded as Musta’mal (used water), whether the person intended to perform Wudu or Ghusl or he did not.

The water that drops from the limbs that have been washed in Wudu or Ghusl are Musta’mal and Musta’mal water is not suitable to use for Taharah (Wudu or Ghusl). The above is clear in the chapter of Taharah in the books of Fiqh.

However, if it is only a few drops that have fallen into the bucket then it will not affect the bucket full as is stated in Bahar e Shari’at with reference to Fatawa Ridawiyyah:

"If Musta’mal water mixes with clean water, such as when doing wudu or ghusl water droplets fall into the jug or into the bucket, then if the clean water is more, it is suitable for wudu and ghusl, otherwise all of it is regarded as unsuitable." [Fatawa Ridawiyyah, volume 2, page 220]

And Allah knows best.

Muhammad Kalim (Preston)
Verified by Mufti Zahid Hussain al-Qadiri

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