Using an inhaler whilst fasting

Published on Wednesday, 01 July 2015 18:12 in Fasting - Read 8926 times

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Asalaamu'alaykum Hazrat,

Is it permissible to use asthma inhaler during fasting? Does using it invalidate the fast?


Wa alaykumussalam.

Using an inhaler whilst fasting will invalidate the fast, even if it is taken with or without a valid reason. This is because taking medicine through the throat invalidates the fast. However, if one does use the inhaler whilst fasting, only Qada of the fast is necessary and not Kaffarah.

It is stated in al-Fatawa al-Hindiyyah,

“… Taking medicine in the nose, throat and ears necessitates Qada.”

And Allah knows best.

Muhammad Kalim (Preston, UK)
10th Ramadan al-Mubaarak 1436 AH

The answer is correct and Allah knows best.

Zahid Hussain Al-Qadiri 
12th Ramadan al-Mubaarak 1436 AH

Read 8925 times