Dying whilst in the state of intoxication

Published on Sunday, 09 August 2015 19:42 in Food - Read 25789 times

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What happens to a person who dies in the state of Intoxication? Should the people attend his Janazah? What will be his punishment? Please prescribe a wazeefa to get rid from this Major sin of Drinking, Smoking Weed/Marijuana etc


The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

“(For every person’s destiny) only the state at the end is considered”

This means that a person will be deemed successful or unsuccessful in this world based on his/her state when he/she died. If a person died in the state of being a Muslim, then he/she will be destined for reward and eternal bliss, whereas a person who died as an unbeliever will be destined for punishment and eternal damnation - as has been clearly determined by Allah, the Almighty.

Imam Abu Dawood has recorded in his Sunan that Sayyidah Umm Salamah narrated that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ prohibited substances that are Muskir (like alcohol) and Muftir (like marijuana).

Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim have recorded that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

“Every substance that intoxicates is khamr and every khamr is forbidden.”

And also:

“He who consumes khamr in the world and dies in that state without repentance will not consume it in the hereafter.”

It is confirmed that the people of paradise will consume the pure khamr in the hereafter. Therefore, this Hadith indicates that the person who drinks alcohol or consumes other forms of intoxicants may die without Imaan.

There is a narration from Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas, Allah is pleased with him, recorded in Mishkaat Al-Masaabeeh, that the person who regularly consumes khamr and dies in that state will come in the court of Allah (on the day of judgement) like an idol worshipper.

It is also recorded from Sayyiduna Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari that the person who continuously consumes khamr will never enter Jannah.

Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim have recorded that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

“A person does not consume khamr in the state that he is a believer while he consumes it.”

Imam Ahmed Rida has recorded a narration in his Fataawa which makes it clearer; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

“Allah removes the Imaan of the one who commits zina (unlawful intercourse) or consumes khamr in the manner that a man removes his shirt from his head.”

All these narrations and many more are clearly announcing that it is highly probable that a person who consumes khamr will die without Imaan. There is a definite fear that he may renounce his faith before leaving this world, especially for the individual who dies in the state of consuming intoxicants.

Sadr Al-Shariah writes in Bahare Shariat that when a person is near his death, the people should remove any pictures or dogs (if there are any) in the house because the Angels of mercy do not enter such a house; this is based on a Hadith from Sunan Al-Tirmizi. One should take heed from the above. If a pious person is in a house which has pictures in it, there is fear that the Angels of punishment will take him instead of the Angels of mercy; then what of the person who dies in the state of consuming intoxicants? Do you think that the Angels of mercy will roam around a person who is smoking weed or consuming alcohol? May Allah protect us from such sinful actions!

The warnings given in the above narrations from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ are enough as a prescription of Wazeefah. Simply to know these fearful warnings should stop a believer from engaging in such acts. The Messenger of Allah peace and blessings be upon him said:

“Increase the amount of times you remember the destroyer of desires - (which is) death.”

Frequently bring the thought in the mind that we all will die one day and death will take us away from this world, no matter where we try to hide and run. This world is temporary and very short, whereas the hereafter is eternal. If Allah wills, then this thought will help prevent these evil acts.

It is a collective obligation to perform the Janazah Salah of a person who used to commit sinful acts with the hope of his/her forgiveness, as long as it is known that the person died as a believer.

A scholar or specific pious people may refuse to perform the Janazah of a certain open Faasiq in order to teach a lesson to others who are engaged in such sins and Allah knows best.

Zahid Hussain Al-Qadiri
(Beggar at the doorstep of Scholars)
19th Shawwaal Al-Mukarram 1436 AH

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