Calculating Qaza for Jumu’ah Salah

Published on Friday, 20 November 2015 18:36 in Salah - Read 4822 times

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Asalaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.

When calculating qaza e umri namaaz and specifically the namaaz of Friday, should we calculate 2 qaza farz of Jummah or should we calculate 4 qaza farz of Zohur for Friday.



Wa alaykumussalam.

To make Salah qaza without a valid Shar’i reason is a major sin. It is obligatory upon the one who misses any Fard salah to make up for the Salah he has missed and sincerely repent.

When calculating qaza e umri, one will only include the Fard and Wajib of each day. Per day, there are in total 17 Fard rak’ats (Fajr: 2, Zuhr: 4, Asr: 4, Maghrib: 3, Isha: 4) and 3 Wajib rak’ats (Witr of Isha). One does not include the 2 Fard of Jumu’ah in this calculation, but instead will include 4 Fard of Zuhr, as there is no qaza of Jumu’ah Salah.

And Allah knows best. 

Muhammad Kalim  
5th Muharram al-Haram 1437AH

This answer is sufficient and correct and Allah knows best. 

Faqeer Zahid Hussain Al-Qadiri
16th Muharram al-Haram 1437AH
Read 4821 times