Hadith of Jabir

Published on Tuesday, 10 April 2012 22:44 in Miscellaneous - Read 7508 times

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Sayyidunā Imām Abdur Razzāq rađiyAllāhu ánhu [teacher of Imām Bukhârī] in his Musannaf narrates a Ĥadīth from Sayyidunā Jābir bin Abdullah rađiyAllāhu ánhu in which Sayyidunā Rasūlullah şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam stated,

[Yā Jābir] O Jābir! Most certainly Allāh Almighty created the nūr [light] of your Nabī before anything else. Then, when He decided to create the world, He divided the nūr of your Nabī into four portions. From the first portion, He created the Qalam of destiny, from the second, the Lawh Mahfūz, from the third, the Divine portions. From the first portion, He created those Angels who are the bearers of the ‘Arsh, from the second, the Divine Chair and from the third, the rest of the Angels.

Narrated by the following Ai’mah and Muhaddithīn in their respective collections,

· Musannaf Abdur Razzāq of Imām Abdur Razzāq
· Fatāwa Ĥadīthiyyah of Imām Ibn Ĥajar al-Ĥaytamī
· Mawāhib Ladunniya of Imām Aĥmad Ibn Ĥajar Qastalānī
· Zurqānī ala al-Mawāhib Ladunniya of Imām Muĥammad Abd al-Bāqī Zurqānī
· Anwār al-Muĥammadiya
· ‘Asidat al-Shah’dah of Imām ‘Allâmah ‘Umar bin Aĥmad Karputī
· al-Milâd al-Nabawī of Imām Abd al-Rahmân ibn Jawzī
· Hujjat Allah ala al-Alimīn of Shah Walī Allah Dehlwī
· Madārij al-Nabuwwah of Imām Shaykh Abd-al Ĥaqq Muĥaddith Dehlwī
· Mataleh al-Musar’rāt of Imām Muĥammad al-Maĥdī al-Fāsī
· Sirāt al-Halabīyyah


Thesis of Imām Aĥmad Rida, vol. 2, pp. 113, Barkaatur-Rida Publications [including footnotes] 

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