Sequence and Length of Surahs in Taraweeh Salah

Published on Tuesday, 20 June 2017 05:36 in Salah - Read 30594 times

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As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu

Q1. If I'm praying taraweeh and in the first 1st rak'at I pray Surah Kawthar, 2nd rak'at I pray Surah Nasr by mistake. Then on the next rak'at can I pray Surah Kaafiroon and then Surah Nasr again?

Q2. If I pray Surah Fil 1st raka't and Surah Alam Nashra in 2nd. Is it ok?

Q3. If i pray Surah Ahad in 1st rak'at, can I pray Surah Falaq in 2nd

Q4. Can I pray Surah Ahad in both rak'ats?

Q5. Which Surah shud i pray in 2nd rak'at if i started 1st rak'at with Surah Naas?


1. It is preferred to recite a longer Surah in the first unit and then a shorter Surah in the second unit. As Taraweeh is considered to be from the Nawaafil, a person may recite a Surah of the same length in the second unit. It is mentioned in Bahare Shariat with reference to Fataawa Alamgiri,

'It is better to recite slightly longer in the first unit than that which is recited in the second unit in all Salah, this is also the hukm for Jumu'ah and Eidayn.'

Furthermore, it is mentioned in Bahare Shariat with reference to Munyah Al-Musalli,

'In the Sunan and Nawaafil, similar length chapters should be recited in both units.'

After this, it is mentioned with reference Al-Durr Al-Mukhtar,

'It is Makrooh to recite longer in the second unit than that which is recited in the first unit.'

From these references it is clear that the mistake made by you is the recitation of Surah Kawthar in the first unit because this makes it inevitable to recite longer in the second unit.

If someone has recited Surah Kawthar in the first unit by mistake then now there is no harm in reciting Surah Nasr in the second unit because now he cannot find a shorter chapter to recite in the second unit.

It is not clear in the question if you are performing Taraweeh in two units or four units. In case of the former, there is no harm in reciting Surah Kafiroon in the first of the next two units followed by Surah Nasr again in the second unit. In case of the latter, it is not permissible for you to recite Surah Kafiroon in the third unit because this would be considered as reciting the Quran backwards. It is mentioned in Bahare Shariat with reference to to Al-Durr Al-Mukhtar,

'To recite the exalted Quran backwards such that a Surah recited in the second unit is from before the Surah recited in the first unit is Makrooh Tahreemi.'

In the case that this is a four unit Taraweeh, if you have recited Surah Nasr in the second unit, you now have the option of reciting one of the last four chapters. You may recite Surah Masad in the third and then Surah Ikhlaas in the fourth or you may recite Surah Falaq in the third and Surah Naas in the fourth. What you must not do is recite Surah Ikhlaas in the third and Surah Falaq or Surah Naas in the fourth. This is because both Surah Falaq and Naas are longer than Surah Ikhlaas and also by missing Surah Masad in between Surah Nasr and Ahad or by missing Surah Falaq in between Surah Ahad and Naas, you would commit another error which is that it is Makrooh to miss a small Surah in between two units. It is mentioned in Bahare Shariat with reference to Al-Durr Al-Mukhtar,

'If a Surah is recited in the first unit and then a small Surah is left out in between and the next Surah is recited in the second unit, then it is Makrooh. If the Surah in between is long such that if it is recited then the recitation of the second unit will become longer then there is no harm in missing it. For example, if Surah Teen is recited in the first and Surah Qadr in the second then there is no harm but if Surah Nasr is recited in the first then Surah Ahad should not be recited in the next unit.'

It is important for every Muslim to ponder over these delicate rules of Salah and ensure that the Salah is performed in the manner that pleases Allah and His Messenger peace and blessings be upon him and Allah knows best.

2. This is not okay as it is considered as reciting the Quran backwards which has been established in answer 1.

3. It is Makrooh to recite longer in the unit than that which was recited in the previous unit which has been mentioned in answer 1. Therefore one should not recite Surah Ikhlaas in the first unit. However, if one has by mistake then there is no harm and he should recite Surah Falaq in the next unit. He should not recite Surah Naas and miss Surah Falaq because that would be adding another error as mentioned in answer 1.

4. Although it is Makrooh Tanzeehi to recite the same Surah in both units of Salah unless there is a valid excuse, but because Taraweeh is considered to be from the Nawaafil, there is no harm in repeating the same Surah and there is no requirement for a valid excuse.

It is mentioned in Bahare Shariat,

'It is Makrooh Tanzeehi to recite the same Surah in both units unless there is a valid excuse such as Surah Naas was recited in the first unit, now he should recite it again in the second unit or, by mistake, he began the same Surah in the second unit or he cannot remember any other Surah then he may recite the same Surah again. To recite the same Surah in both units of Nawaafil or to repeat a Surah many times in one unit of Nawaafil is permissible without any Karaahah.'

From this reference it is clear there is no harm in reciting Surah Ikhlaas in both units of Taraweeh Salah and Allah knows best.

5. As mentioned in the reference provided on answer 4, if a person has recited Surah Naas in the first unit then he should recite the same; Surah Naas in the next unit. He may also choose to recite from the beginning of Surah Baqarah in the second unit as this will not be considered as reciting the Quran backwards and Allah knows best.

Faqeer Zahid Hussain Al-Qadiri
20th Ramadan al-Kareem 1438AH

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