Abdullah bin ‘Umar bin Hind Jamlī states that I heard Mawla ‘Alī rađiyAllāhu ánhu say:
If I was to ask the Beloved Prophet śallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam for something, he śallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam would give it to me, and even if I were to stay silent, he śallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam would give to me first.
Imām at-Tirmizī narrates the Ĥadīth and states: This Ĥadīth is Ĥasan. [haaza Ĥadīthun ĥasan]
at-Tirmizī, al-Jami’, vol. 5, pp. 637, Ĥadīth 3722
at-Tirmizī, al-Jami’, vol. 5, pp. 640, Ĥadīth 3729
Hakim, Mustadrak, vol. 3, pp. 135, Ĥadīth 4630
Maqdisī, al-Aĥadīth al-Mukhtârah, vol. 2, pp. 235, Ĥadīth 614
Nisa’ī, Sunan al-Kubra, vol. 5, pp. 142, Ĥadīth 8504