Blessed Hadīth regarding the Ascension

Published on Tuesday, 10 April 2012 22:58 in Miscellaneous - Read 3603 times

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Sayyidunā ‘Anas rađiyAllāhu ánhu narrates that RasūlAllâh śallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam said,[indent]On the night of Ascension, I passed by a nation who were scratching and bruising their faces and chests, I asked as who they were. The Nightingale of Sidra (Sayyidunā Jibra’īl ‘álayhis salâm) told me, “They are those who ate the flesh of people and would attack their respect and honour.”[1]

My Beloved Prophet śallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam beloved devotees! What a frightening punishment for those who backbite, that they will scratch and injure their faces and their chests with their own hands because they had hurt the hearts of people by backbiting. Backbiters will be forced to do this so that they can feel the pain they caused to others by their backbiting.

May Allâh Almighty save us from backbiting. Aameen.

[1] Imâm Ismayil Haqqī, Tafsīr Rūh Ul-Bayân

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