Did Rasulullah şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam hold the Knowledge of the 'Five Unseens'?

Published on Tuesday, 06 March 2012 23:03 in Knowledge of the Unseen - Read 2616 times

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Hafidh Ul-Hadīth, Syeddī Ahmad Malikī rađiyAllāhu ánhu, reports that the Ghawth of the time, Syeddī Sharīf Abdul Azīz Mas’ūd Hasanī rađiyAllāhu ánhu said:

The five Unseen’s are:

1. When the Day of Judgement will come?
2. When, where, and how much rain will fall?
3. What is in the womb of a pregnant womb?
4. What will happen tomorrow?
5. When and where so and so person will die?

These Unseen were not hidden from Sayyidunā Muhammad Mustafa şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam.

“How can they be, when the seven Qutbs from His Ummah know them, and the Qutbs are subordinate to the Ghaus. Further, what about the chief of the Former and the Latter, who is the cause of everything, and from whom everything emanates?”

It is further stated in the book al-Ibrīz:

I asked the Shaykh, if the external Ulama from the Muhaddithīn, differed with one another about the issue of the five Unseen, whether Rasūlullah şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam had the knowledge of them?” The Shaykh replied, “How can the five Unseens be concealed from Sayyiduna Muhammad Mustafa şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam, when no one of the ‘Ahlut-Tasarruf’ (The Divine Power Wielding), from among His Ummah cannot wield power, unless they know the five Unseens?" 

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