Isha Times

Published on Sunday, 22 April 2012 21:50 in Salah - Read 8214 times

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Assalamu Alaikum Mufti Sahib. I am a mureed of Huzoor Taajush Shariah and studying Hifz. Every year i lead a few rakaats of Taraweeh. The isha times our Masjid in Keighley (main mosque) have are of the 15 degree ruling. I read the salaah in the mosque and repeated it at home at the correct time. Outside Ramadan I have done the same. What is the proper ruling on isha times and the summer when Isha will not even appear in UK? Can i follow the Sahibain or do I have to follow Imam Abu Hanifa, as i am Taajush Shariah's mureed?


Wa Alaykum Al-Salam,

I hope you are well and so are the brothers in Keighley. I pray to Allah that you remain steadfast on the truth all through your life.


The time of Isha' Salah according to the great Imam Abu Hanifah is when the horizon becomes comlpetely dark after sunset. When the sun sets, redness appears in the horizon where the sun had set. This redness is known as the nautical twilight. When the redness sets, whiteness appears. This whiteness is known as the astronomical twilight. When the whiteness sets, the horizon becomes completely dark. this is the end time of Maghrib and the beginning time of Isha'.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said that the time for Isha' Salah begins when the Shafaq (twilight) sets. Imam Ibn Hummam In Fath Al-Qadeer records that the Messenger of Allah said, "When the horizon becomes completely dark".

In Al-Fatawa Al-Hindiyyah and Al-Fatawa Li-Qadi Khan it says, "Abu Hanifah (May Allah shower mercy on them) said, it is the whiteness which follows the redness upto the extent that if someone performs his Isha' Salah after the redness disappears and the whiteness has not yet disappeared then it is not permissible".

Therefore, if one performs his Isha' Salah before the whiteness sets in the horizon his Salah is invalid and will have to be performed again at the correct time. This is upon which Fatwa is given in the Hanafi School as can be seen in Fath Al-Qadeer, Tasheeeh Al-Qudoori, Bahr Al-Raa'iq, Radd Al-Muhtar, Al-Fatawa Al-Ridwiyyah and Bahar-e-Shari'at.

As for the days when Isha' Time does not occur in specific countries, one shall perform Qada of Isha' Salah in the time of Fajr as mentioned by Imam Ahmad Raza in his Fatawa and by Sadr Al-Shari'ah in his Bahar-e-Shari'at. Al-Sheikh Taaj Al-Shari'ah has also written the same as above in verification of a Fatwa in Fatawa Europe of Mufti Abd Al-Wajid from Amsterdam, Holland.

If such days occur in the month of Ramadan, Mufti Shareef Al-Haq issued a Fatwa saying, if the Muslims regard the Taraweeh Salah as highly important and will cause an uproar if not performed then those Muslims shall follow the Isha' Salah time according to the Sahibayn only in them days and Allah knows best.

Wa Al-Salam Alaykum,

Zahid Husain Al-Qadri
(Beggar at the doorstep of Scholars) 

Read 8213 times