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Arabic Dars e Bukhari Shareef in Madinah Munawwarah

Arabic Dars e Bukhari Shareef in Madinah Munawwarah

Uploaded by: admin, Date: 2017-03-25 22:50:07, Size: 6.12 MB, Downloads 2185

Some Arab Shuyookh from Madinah Munawwarah asked Huzur Muhaddith e Kabeer for Ijaazah in Hadith. They brought a copy of Sahih al-Bukhari with them and so they recited different Ahaadith Shareef from it while looking inside. SubhanAllah, as they were reciting, Huzur Muhaddith e Kabeer completely from memory was correcting them. The Arab Shuyookh themselves were amazed when Hazrat started to correct them! Bukhari Shareef has thousands of Hadith and the Shuyookh could have picked any Hadith from there, still, Huzur Muhaddith e Kabeer was correcting them verbatim from memory.

Huzur Muhaddith e Kabeer then gave a 15 minute Dars in Arabic explaining one of the Hadiths. The attached audio is the recording of the Arabic Dars given by Huzur Muhaddith e Kabeer.

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