The Deobandi Faith Murdered!

Published on Saturday, 07 April 2012 23:37 in Deobandism - Read 5498 times

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Those who have read Taqwiyat Ul-Iman and (Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s) Bahishti Zewar are aware of the fact that according to the Deobandi School, seeking assistance from the graves is Shirk Jali (absolute polytheism). But now read the belief they have for the graves and tombs of their own elders – extracted from the book Tarikh Mashaikh Chisht, written by none other than the Deobandi ‘ShaykhUl-Hadith’ of Saharanpur, Zakariya Sahib Deobandi.

While writing about the demise of Mianji Noor Mohammed Jhanjhanvi, who was the Shaykh of Haji Imdadullah Makki, he quotes Haji Sahab that his Shaykh (while in his fatal disease) said to him:

I wanted to put you into toil and exertion (of spiritualism), but I cannot go against the will of God - the call of my last journey has arrived. When Hazrat Sahib uttered these words, I (Haji Imdadullah) burst into tears. Hazrat comforted me and said that a saint does not die, but rather he moves from one world to another. The same benefit will be derived from the grave of a saint, as was during his lifetime.

Read one more extract regarding the grave of Mianji Noor Mohammed Jhanjhanvi – from his biography which is published by Idara Talifaat Ashrafia in Thana Bhavan, the preface of which is written by Qari Mohammed Tayyeb Sahab, the principal of Darul Uloom Deoband. The writer says:

Even after the demise of Mianji Noor Mohammed Jhanjhanvi, the same spring of bounty flows from his honourable soul and according to his own words, the same beneficence which used to be received from his angelic personality is derived from his grave.

So in order to prove that the same benefits do accrue from Mianji Noor Mohammed Jhanjhanvi’s grave after his demise, the writer of the biography, Sawana-e Hazrat Mianjev Pg. 79 quotes the following event:

Haji Imdadullah Makki once said that there was a weaver among the disciples of Mianji Noor Mohammed Jhanjhanvi. After the death of Hazrat, the weaver paid a visit to the mausoleum of Hazrat Sahib and after offering Fatiha, he pleaded that he was very disturbed and was living a life of poverty. He received a reply from Hazrat Sahib that he will get two annas (Indian currency coins) daily from his grave. Once when I visited the mausoleum, I found him there. After narrating the whole event to me, he said that he receives the promised amount from the foot of the grave every day.

Now please be fair! It is clearly stated in the famous books of the Deobandi sect - namely Taqwiyat Ul-Iman, Bahishti Zewar and Fatawa Rashidia - that seeking help by paying a visit to a mausoleum and requesting the saint to help in times of troubles and calamities is blatant polytheism. But now you can see that in this whole event, the verdict of polytheism has been accepted as part of faith!

Now you can yourself decide that when there is such a thick cover of hypocrisy on the face of the sect that it hides the doctrines of its own faith, how difficult it is to identify them. So in order to save the general public from the evils of this double faced religion, the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah School felt the need to educate the people time and again regarding the features of their hidden face, so that they be saved from falling into their trap. 

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