Marriage and Intercourse

Published on Monday, 23 April 2012 15:47 in Nikah / Marriage - Read 79559 times

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AssalamuAlaykum Wa rahmatullahi Wa Barakatahu..

I have some questions regarding marriage. After some days i am going to marry and want to know some legal and illegal activities during intercourse.

1) Can wife and husband completely naked while intercourse or need to have some clothes on them.

2) Can Wife and Husband see each others private parts?

3) Can Husband kiss on his wifes private parts?

Please tell me regarding this. I have read some books but dont know whether they are authentic or not. Some references says all are permissible and some says Cannot kiss wifes private parts(sexual parts) and can be completely naked.

some says cannot be completely naked and cannot see each others private parts.

I have searched a lot and now completely helpless regarding this issue. Please answer my questions so that i may not do any illegal activities.

JazakAllahu Khairan.


1. It is disliked to be completely naked whilst intercourse as the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said,

"When one of you enjoys intercourse with his wife, he should cover themselves and not be completely naked like donkeys" (Ibn Majah)

The scholars have said that there is fear of the child being obscene, immoral or sinful if the husband and wife are completely naked whilst intercourse.

2. When husband and wife are not enojoying intercourse it is fine to be completely naked in front of each other as Allah says in the Quran,

"They are your clothing and you are their clothing" (Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse: 187).

However, Muslims should not remain completely naked without necessity as there is fear of exposure to the creation of Allah.

3. The private parts of the human body are Taahir (clean and pure) as long as there is no visual impurity. Therefore it is permissible to touch one's own private parts or the private parts of one's marital partner. The messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said,

"I do not care whether i touch my nose or my private part (as they are both taahir, clean and pure)". (Muwatta Imam Muhammad).

There are also other narrations in the Muwatta of Imam Muhammad that establish it is fine to touch the private part as it is clean and pure. Some companions would reply to someone who asked, "Cut it off if you think it is impure".

However, Islam teaches purity, physically and spiritually and therefore it is disliked to touch the private part of one's marital partner with the mouth. The mouth is used to recite the Quran and Hadith and also to take the name of Allah and His beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is not an act of the pious. Some scholars have regarded it as impermissible. Thus one should abstain from such.

And Allah knows best,

Zahid Hussain Al-Qadri
(Beggar at the doorstep of scholars) 

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