Marrying in the family of Deviants

Published on Monday, 23 April 2012 18:32 in Miscellaneous - Read 4893 times

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Question: Is it permissible to marry in the family of Rafzees (Shiaa)? Nowadays, it is so complicated that either someone's uncle or someone's brother-in-law is a Rafzee.

Answer: It is not permissible. There are great dangers in such marriages. Your Imaan will leave your heart and the love for Allah and His Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will also leave you. Almighty Allah states in the Holy Quraan,"If you come to your senses after the Shaitaan makes you forget, then do not sit in the company of the oppressors". Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) states, "Run far from them and keep them away from you so that they may not mislead you". There is a Hadith Shareef that is specifically related to the Rafzees, "A nation will come, they will have a bad title, they will be called Rafzee. They will not come for Jummah nor Jamaat. They will insult the pious predecessors. You must not sit in their company, nor eat, nor drink nor marry in them. If they get sick, do not visit them nor attend their funeral if they die".

Imraan bin Khataan Raqqaashi was regarded as one of the greatest Aalims and authority on Hadith (Muhaddith). He married his cousin sister who was a Kharijite. The Ulema were very disturbed and opposed this marriage. He said to them, "I have married her in order that I may guide her on the right path". Not even a year had passed before she had converted him to a Khariji. He went to hunt but became the target. This rule applies to all corrupt sects who have deviated from the Ahle Sunnah wa Jamaat. Due to their Kufr beliefs, the Ulema of Islam have passed the Fatwa of Irtidaad on them. People with such Kufr beliefs are regarded as Murtads, hence association and social bonds with them is strongly opposed as mentioned in the Hadith Shareef. Some of these corrupt cults are Wahabi, Deobandi, Qadiani, Rafzee (Shia), etc. Infact, the Nikah of a Muslim is not valid with them because of their Kufr. Children born from such marriage will be Waladu-Zina (illegitimate). Consult "Fatawa-e-Alamgeer" for details. 

Imam Ahmed Rida - Al Malfuz Shareef

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