Reasons for a Strict Stance against the Deobandi sect

Published on Saturday, 07 April 2012 23:35 in Deobandism - Read 9723 times

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A point that remains to be clarified is – why is the attitude of the Ahle Sunnah scholars, so severe against the Deobandi sect? There are a number of reasons for it – they must be read and understood with a cool mind.

Reason # 1 - Their Infidelity

The first and foremost reason is the infidelities and blasphemies of the Deobandi scholars – these are actually the fundamental differences – these heretic beliefs are written in their books and are ingrained in the hearts of the Deobandis.

Reason # 2 - Difficulty in Identification

As far as actions are concerned, they too call themselves Hanafi, and apparently they offer Salaah (prayer) as we do. Their call of Salaah, Salaah of Eid etc. is the same as ours. In short, there are no outward signs with which the simple Muslims can identify/recognise them. There is every possibility that simple Muslims will misunderstand them. Therefore it was necessary that the beliefs of the Deobandi School be presented clearly to the masses, in order that there is no difficulty in identifying them.

As far as Shias are concerned, their call for prayers, their mode of prayer etc., are vastly different from that of Sunnis – they are easily identifiable. The same is the case of the Non-Abiders (Ghayr Muqallid). Their compulsory prayers, Witr prayers, Taraweeh and Eid prayers clearly warn others that they have different beliefs. Therefore the need to warn people of such deviated sects is not as urgent as is the need to educate them about the deviant Deobandis.

Reason # 3 - Their Methods of Corrupting the Faith of Sunni Masses

They are very good impostors. By entering the ranks of our Sunni masses, and impersonating to be on our side, they bring people close to them through various tricks - and when they deduce that they have been successful in doing so, they inculcate respect and adoration in their hearts for the elders of the Deoband School. Thereafter they change them to such an extent that they begin to abhor all the beliefs and customs, which were dear to them like their faith - and consider them polytheism and heresy! Within a few days, their hearts get sealed with such wretchedness that they are not prepared to listen to any reference either from the Qur’an or Hadith. It should be noted very clearly that I am not writing this from imagination. Rather these are our daily observations.

In such circumstances, there is no other way left to save the simple masses from going astray from the Straight Path followed by the Beloved Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam and the saints, but to educate them about the filthy beliefs of the Deobandi sect, and their deceits and fraud.

Reason # 4 – The Hypocrisy of the Deobandi Sect

Going through the traits of Deobandi sect, it becomes very clear that they are truly the inheritors of the traits of the hypocrites mentioned in the Holy Qur’an. For instance, the hypocrites were double-faced. One face was meant for their own group whilst the other was for the honourable Muslim Companions of the Beloved Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam. The Holy Qur’an has narrated this trait of theirs in the following words: -

And when they meet with the believers, they say, “We believe”; and when they are alone with their devils, they say, “We are undoubtedly with you, we were just mocking!”

Surah Al Baqarah, Ayah 14

The same is the case with the Deobandi sect. They too have two faces – one for the faithful followers of the Beloved Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam and the other for members of their own group. 

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