The Dreadful Noise

Published on Thursday, 02 August 2012 23:29 in Fatawa - Read 8201 times

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From Fatawa Ridawiyyah, volume-27, page-42

Question: What do the scholars of the religion say with regards to the following issue, that a grimly event is going to occur on the Jumu`ah of Ramadhān ul-Mubārak which has been attributed to you by certain people, i.e., Mawlawī Sāhib has stated that a dreadful noise will be heard on the night of Jumu`ah. Explain (the matter) and gain reward. 

Answer: It will occur. But it was never said that it will occur during this Ramadhān. When it occurs, it will be the fifteenth of Ramadhān which will also be a Friday. Earthquakes will be rampant during that year. Graupel will fall in huge quantity. There will be a huge blast on the fifteenth night of Ramadhān that will also be a Friday night. A loud screech will be heard after the Fajr prayer. It is advised in Hadīth, “Offer the Fajr prayer, enter your houses and shut the doors. Shut all the window panes in the house. Shut your ears and as soon as you hear the noise, fall into prostration and say: سبحن القدوس سبحن القدوس ربنا القدوس (Glory be to the Most Holy! Glory be to the Most Holy! Our Lord is Most Holy). The one who does so will attain salvation and the one who does not do so will be destroyed.” [Musnad ush-Shāshī, Hadīth #837, Maktabat ul-`Ulūm wa al-Hakīm, al-Madīnat ul-Munawwarah]. This is what is contained in the Hadīth. There is no specific mention in it in what year it will occur. Several Ramadhans have passed whose first day was Jumu`ah and Allāh willing there will be many such in the future. The tidings have been given and its occurrence is sure, whenever it is destined. We should always fear Allāh and have hope in Him. And Allāh knows best!

(Translated by Najibullah Qadiri)

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