The relationship between Hazrat Khidr & Hazrat Ilyas

Published on Wednesday, 17 December 2014 19:51 in Fatawa - Read 20585 times

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What do the scholars of the religion say regarding the following: What relationship is there between Hazrat Khidr (Upon him be peace) and Hazrat Ilyas (Upon him be peace)? What works has Allah given them authority to carry out and what are their stations?


Sayyiduna Ilyas (Upon him be peace) is a Prophet of Allah. Allah says:

“And Indeed, Ilyas (Upon him be peace) was from among the Messengers.” [Qur’an 37:123]

And Sayyiduna Khidr (Upon him be peace), according to the majority, is a Prophet of Allah and he was given special knowledge of the unseen. Allah says:

“And We had bestowed the inspired knowledge from Ourselves.” [Qur’an 18:65]

Both these Prophets are from among the four Prophets whose departure from the physical world has not yet occurred. Two were lifted to the skies alive; Sayyiduna Idrees (Upon him be peace) and Sayyiduna Isa (Upon him be peace). And they [Sayyiduna Khidr and Sayyiduna Ilyas] are both present upon the earth; oceans are connected to Sayyiduna Khidr (Upon him be peace) and land to Sayyiduna Ilyas (Upon him be peace). They both (Upon them be peace) attend Hajj every year, and after Hajj they drink the water of Zam Zam, which suffices them for the rest of the year. Both these, and all of the Prophets (Upon them be peace) are brothers. The Messenger of Allah said:

“All Prophets are brothers.” [Ahmad]

Besides this [relationship] other relations between both these Prophets are unknown.

And Allah knows best.

[Fatawa Ridawiyyah, volume 26, pages 401-402, ruling 212]

Translated by Muhammad Kalim, Preston


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