Poem in praise of Imam e Azam Abu Hanifah

Published on Sunday, 31 May 2015 18:39 in Imam Abu Hanifa - Read 4555 times

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Imam al Muslimeen, Imam al Aimma Sayyidunaa Imam Azam Abu Hanifah Numaan Ibn Thabit Radi Allahu Taala anhu 

by Hadrat Abdullah ibn Mubarak Radi Allahu anhu 


لقد زان البلاد ومن عليها 

إمام المسلمين أبو حنيفة 

Imam al Muslimeen Abu Hanifah Radi Allahu Anhu blessed the towns and its people with beauty.


باحكام واثار وفقه 

كأيات الزبور على صحيفة 

With the beauty of Ahkaam (Quran e Kareem ) and Athaar (Ahadith Shareefah) and with the beauty of Fiqh, as the pages were decorated by the verses of the Zabur


فما في المشرقين له نظير 

ولا في المغربين ولا بكوفه 

He has no parallel in Kufa

or indeed the East or the West


بيت مشمرا سهرا لليالي

و صام نهاره لله خيفة 

He spends his nights in worship 

And fasts throughout the days out of fear of The Almighty


وصان لسانه عن كل إفك 

وما زالت جوارحه عفيفه 

He kept his tongue free from blame and accusations

And his body free from all sins 


يعف عن المحارم والملاهي 

ومرضاتة الإله له وظيفه 

He stayed away from all Haram and futile activities

Gaining the Almighty's pleasure was his wazifah


رايت العاتبين له سفاما  

خلاف الحق مع حجج ضعيفه 

The ones who pick faults, are foolish, against the truth and with weak evidence


وكيف يحل أن يو ذي فقيه 

له في الأرض أثار شريفه 

How is it valid to cause pain to such a Faqeeh 

whose grace and favour of  knowledge has blessed the whole world


وقد قال ابن إدريس مقالا 

صحيح النقل في حكم لطيفه 

Imam Shafii has stated a saheehul naql in the hukm of lateef


بان الناس في فقه عيال 

على فقه الإمام أبي حنيفة 

And that is, that everyone in fiqh is dependant on the fiqh of Imam Azam Abu Hanifah


فلعنة ربنا أعدد رمل 

على من زد قول أبي حنيفة  

May Allah's curse equal to the particles of sand 

be on those who disregard the qowl of Imam Azam Abu Hanifah.


Taken from Durr al-Mukhtar Sharif, Translated by Mawlana Shakeel Qadiri Ridawi (London UK)

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