Sayyiduna Abbas: I saw such an incident in your childhood…

Published on Monday, 16 April 2012 16:02 in Sirah - Read 3639 times

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It is narrated in al-Khasā’is ul-Kubra that the uncle of the Beloved Messenger of Allâh şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam Sayyidunā Abbâs Bin Abd-al Muttalib rađiyAllāhu ánhu narrates that,

I asked the Blessed Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam, ‘Oh Messenger of Allâh şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam, I saw such an incident in your childhood, which proves your Prophet hood and this is one of the reasons why I accepted Islâm. I saw that you were talking to the moon whilst in your cradle and I saw that the moon would move to wherever you pointed your finger.’

The Beloved Messenger of Allah şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam replied, ‘I used to talk to the moon and it used to talk to me, the moon used to play with me when I used to cry, and I was able to hear it when it would fall into prostration to Allâh Almighty.’ 

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