Listening to Music

Published on Sunday, 22 April 2012 21:41 in Music - Read 3396 times

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Salaam my question is sometimes i have to listen to music i have no option. i was wondering will this be classified as a sin?reasons why i have to listen to music is because when i go back to manchester my cousin plays music and he plays it really loud also sometimes when we are sat at home he puts music channels on to whichi have to listen i have nowhere else to go as it is only a flat so what would the ruling be on this?JazakAllah


Wa Alaykum Al-Salam, 
It is not permissible to listen to musical instruments. There are several Ahadeeth of the Prophet (peace be upon him) which forbid the use of and to listen to musical instruments. Here is one which is rigorously authentic, "Verily amongst my nation (ummah) will be those who will deem permissible fornication, khamr (alcohol) and musical instruments". This Hadith is recorded by Imam Bukhari, Imam Ahmad, Imam Ab Dawood and Ibn Maajah. 
One must refrain from attending places where forbidden acts take place. The excuse written in the question is not a valid excuse according to Isslamic law. One who has no intent of listening to music but music reaches his ears, he is not accountable for it. 

And Allah knows best. 

Zahid Hussain Al-Qadri 
(Beggar at the doorstep of Saints) 

Read 3395 times