What was the purpose of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's going on Meraj in their bodily form

Published on Sunday, 22 April 2012 21:54 in Aqa'id - Read 3442 times

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What was the purpose of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's going on Meraj in their bodily form? As many claim that as there was no purpose then there is no haqiqat in there going on meraj in bodily form and it must've been spiritually as some previous scholars have claimed. Are they correct to have this view?

Muhammad Azar


The true purpose of Mi'raaj is known by Allah best and mentioned in the Qur’an as, “So that we show him our signs…..”. No action of Allah is free from divine wisdom. How can there be no purpose and no benefit in one one ascending above the heavens and past the Sidrah Al-Muntaha'? How can there be no purpose and benefit in reaching the Arsh of Allah? 
How can there be no benefit and purpose in gaining the closeness to Allah? Can a Muslim say such?

The truth is that the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) Mi'raaj occured with his blessed body and soul. This is the stance of the Ahl Al-Sunnah Wa Al-Jama'ah. Anyone who differs is from the Ahl Al-Bid'ah (misguided). Mullah Ahmad Jeewan writes in Tafseeraat-e-Ahmadiyyah, "He who says it was only with the soul or in the sleep, is a Mubtadi', Daal, Mudil and Fasiq". Which means he is from the Ahl Al-bid'ah and he is misguided, a misguider and a sinner. There is absolutely no logic in believing the Mi'raaj to be with the soul without the body. This is because, if it occured with the soul on its own, the non-believers of Makkah would not have made a major issue of it and they would have accepted the occurence of Mi'raaj. For every person holds the possibility to travel anywhere with his soul whilst sleeping.

And the knowledge of Allah is complete.

Wa Al-Saamu Alaykum,

Zahid Husain Al-Qadri
(Beggar at the door step of Scholars) 

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