7 benefits of staying in a state of Wudhu at all times

Published on Monday, 23 April 2012 15:40 in Cleanliness - Read 9606 times

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7 benefits of staying in a state of Wudhu at all times

The great Imam of Ahle Sunnah, Imam Ahmad Rida al-Qadri rađiyAllāhu ánhu says,

'Some A'rifīn (Gnostics) rađiyAllāhu ánhum have said that anyone who stays in a state of Wudhu at all times will be awarded 7 benefits by Allah Almighty:- 
(1) Angels will desire to be in his company
(2) The pen will constantly write virtuous deeds for him
(3) His limbs will praise Allah Almighty
(4) He will never miss his Takbīr Aula (first Takbīr of Salāh)
(5) When he sleeps Allah Almighty will send Angels to protect him from the evil of jinn and humans.
(6) He will die an easy death
(7) He will remain in the protection of Allah Almighty for as long as he is in this state.[1]

[1] Imam Ahmad Rida al-Qadri’s, al-Atāya Nabawiyyah Fil Fatāwah Ridhwiyyah, Vol1, Pg702-703, Rida Foundation Lahore 

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