Performing Sajdah e Tilawat after Fardh of Fajr and Asr

Published on Saturday, 26 April 2014 19:01 in Salah - Read 46110 times

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Is it permissible to perform Sajdah e Tilawat after the Fardh of Fajr and Asr? Are the rulings on the times permissible similar to that of Nafl?


It is permissible to perform the Sajdah e Tilawat after the Fard of Fajr and Asr.

Sajdah e Tilawat is Wajib and does not follow the same rules as the prohibited timings for Nafl Salah besides in two as it has been mentioned in Bahar e Shariat. The first is at the time of Khutbah, whether that is for Jumu'ah, Eid, Nikah, Istisqa', Hajj or kusoof and the second is at the time when something distracts the heart and you have the ability to get rid of it (like the presence of food at the time of hunger).

Sajdah e Tilawat can be performed at any time except the two times mentioned above and the following three Makruh times:

  1. After sunrise until the sun rises so much that one finds it hard to stare at the sun. This is twenty minutes in India and is slightly longer in the UK
  2. Before sunset until the sun sets so much that one can stare at the sun without difficulty. This also twenty minutes in India but slightly longer in the UK.
  3. At midday while the sun is at it's highest peak. This can be worked out using a simple calculation mentioned in Bahar e Shariat.

It is impermissible to perform the Sajdah e Tilawat during these Makruh times as stated in Bahar e Shariat.

If the Ayah of Sajdah was prayed during a Makruh time, then it is better to delay in performing the Sajdah e Tilawat until the Makruh time finishes, however if one did perform the Sajdah e Tilawat during the Makruh time in this case it is permissible. [Bahar e Shariat]

However, If the Ayah of Sajdah was prayed in a non-Makruh time, then to do Sajdah in the Makruh time is Makruh e Tahrimi. [Bahar e Shariat]

And Allah knows best.

Answered by: Muhammad Kalim, Preston

The answer is correct and it is also important to know that it is Makrooh Tanzeehi to delay the Sajdah of Tilawah if the verse of Sajdah is recited or heard outside of Salah. If it is heard or recited in Salah then it is Makrooh Tahreemi to delay the Sajdah of Tilawah.

Zahid Hussain Al-Qadri
(Beggar at the doorstep of Scholars)

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