Is the mother allowed to leave the maternity house within 40 days?

Published on Friday, 17 June 2016 15:43 in Miscellaneous - Read 9364 times

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Assalamualaikum, after a women gives birth a common practice is that the mother and new born are not allowed to leave the maternity house for 40 days. Does this have any significance in Islam?


Wa alaykumussalam

This is a baseless superstition held by women in the subcontinent. According to the Shari’ah, it is permissible for a mother and her new-born child to leave the maternity home at any time. This ruling, however, is in conjunction with other rulings, such as she must seek her husband’s permission before exiting the house; she must not exit the home without being properly covered as per the requirements of the Shari’ah etc.

It is stated in Bahar e Shari’ah:

“Whilst in the state of nifas (blood after childbirth, which lasts up to 40 days according to the Shari’ah), it is permissible for a woman to exit the maternity home.” [Bahar e Shariat 2/383]

And Allah knows best.
Muhammad Kalim 
8 Ramadan 1437 

Verified by Mufti Zahid Hussain al-Qadiri

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