An Interesting Example Of Deobandis’ Hypocrisy

Published on Saturday, 07 April 2012 23:32 in Deobandism - Read 4369 times

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If you want to see a living example of the above, go to Delhi. A very famous person by the name of Jamil Ilyasi resides here who is a staunch Deobandi Tableeghi. The addition of the term Ilyasi is sufficient to portray his complete background. On the one hand, he is such an active preacher of Deobandism and Tableeghi Jamaat in Delhi that it is highly unlikely that there is any mosque in Delhi of which he is member of, which he has not turned into a camp of the Tableeghi Jamaat. But now learn the other side of picture and lament - that there is not a single Mausoleum of the twenty Khwajas of Delhi at which he is not present on the occasion of Urs. When the late Rajiv Gandhi became the Prime Minister for the first time, Jamil Ilyasi was the one who placed the floral wreath on the grave of Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti on his behalf. Another more interesting fact is that when the late Mrs. Indira Gandhi was removed from her post and was passing her life in the abyss of defeat, Jamil Ilyasi approached her - and like a soothsayer who could see the future, advised her that there is only one person on earth who could restore her rule – and that person is Hudur Ghawth Ul Adham Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani whose sacred mausoleum is in Baghdad. Indira Gandhi did not want anything else. She immediately arranged for his trip and Jamil Ilyasi set off for Baghdad. He remained in seclusion at the holy shrine for fifteen days – and upon returning he informed her that he had received the good news from the shrine that her (Indira Gandhi’s) rule would be restored within 9 months.

Now please be fair – can someone wage a war more intense against his or her own faith, except the followers of the Deobandi faith? They, according to their own terminology, have “worshipped” graves and accepted those as “faithful” who according to them have spread polytheism. Now you yourself decide – how difficult it is to avoid people who have so many faces. They portray a different face in Deoband and Saharanpur – and a different one in Baghdad and Ajmer. 

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