Tumhare Liye [Translation]

Published on Monday, 23 April 2012 18:52 in Hada'iq e Bakshish - Read 16006 times

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Translation by Asif Jehangir

1. zamīn o zamāN tumhāre liye; makīn o makāN tumhāre liye 
chunīn o chunāN tumhāre liye; baney do jahāN tumhāre liye.

2. Dahan meiN zubāN tumhāre liye; badan meiN jāN tumhāre liye 
hum āye yahāN tumhāre liye; uTheN bhi wahāN tumhāre liye 

3. kalīm o najī, masīĥ o şafī, khalīl o razī, rasūl o nabī 
áţīq o waşī, ghaniyy o áli sanā ki zubāN tumhāre liye 

4. Tumhāri chamak; tumhār idamak; tumhāri jhalak tumhāri mahak 
zamīn o falak; simāk o samak meiN sikkanishāN tumhāre liye 

5. ye shams o qamar ye shām o sahar ye barg o shajar ye bāgh o samar 
ye tegh o sipar ye tāj o kamar ye ĥukm rawāN tumhāre liye 

6. Ye fayz diye wo jūd kiye ke nām liye zamāna jiye 
jahāN neli ye tumhāre diye ye ikrāmiyāN tumhāre liye

7. saĥāb e karam rawāna kiye, keāb niám zamāna piye
jo rak’hte the hum wo chāk siye, ye satr e badāN tumhāre liye 

8. Átāye arab, jalāye karab fuyūz ájab baghayr ţalab 
ye raĥmat e rabb hai kis ke sabab, bi rabb e jahāN tumhāre liye 

9. na jinn o bashar ke āTh pahar malāyikah dar pe basta kamar 
najib’hā o sar, keqalb o jigar, haiN sajdah kunāN tumhāre liye 

10. jināN meiN chaman chaman meiN saman; saman meiN phaban, phaban meiN dulhan 
sazāye miĥan pe ayse minan ye amn o amāN tumhāre liye 

11. khalīl o najī masīĥ o şafī sabhī se kahī kahīN bhibanī 
ye be khabari ke khalq phirī kahāN se kahāN tumhāre liye 

12. ishāre se chānd chīrdiyā ; chupey huwey khurko pherliyā 
gaye huwe din ko ásr kiyā; ye tāb o tawāN tumhāre liye 

13. Sabā wo chale ke bāgh phale wo phool khileke din hoN bhale 
liwāke tale sanā meiN khule razā ki zabāN tumhāre liye 


1. The earth and the age are made for thy sake; the dwellers and their houses are made for thee // the 'why' and 'how' (knowledge) is there for thee; this world and the next are also for thee!

2. The tongue in our mouth is made for thee; this soul in our bodies is made for thee // we came here, were born for thy sake; we rise on that day [hereafter] for thy sake.

3. Mūsā, Nūĥ, Ýīsā, Ādam, Ibrāhim, Ismāýīl; all the Messengers and all the Prophets (álayhimu’şşalawātwa’ttaslīm) // Abu Bakr and Úmar; Úthmān and Áli (rađiyAllāhuánhum) praise thee!

4. It is your light; and your radiance; it is thy sparkle and thy perfume // in the earth and in the heavens; in the stars and the skies [simāk is constellation; samak is the roof or the sky]

5. For thee is this sun; and thine is the moon; this night and the day; the plants and the trees; the gardens and fruits // For you is the sword, for you the soldier; the crown and the power are all for thee.

6. These blessings and grants; your favors abound; the world lives on by uttering your name // The world takes thy charity; and all these honors are granted for thy sake!

7. You sent the clouds of mercy for the world to drink in the water of blessings // You mended the tears in our clothes, and covered our shame, our sins for us.

8. Billions of bounties; banishing our agony; and wondrous blessings without even asking // All this mercy of the Lord is for whose sake? For thee my master, by the Lord of the Worlds!

9. Not just men and jinn; but angels too throughout the day [and night] stand in your service // It is not foreheads and heads that prostrate; but our hearts that fall down in reverence for thee!

10. Gardens in paradise; and in those gardens are groves; and the groves are adorned and in those adornments are beautiful brides! // The fruit of labor is thus rewarded! tranquillity and peace is thus granted for thy sake!

11. Ibrāhīm, Nūĥ; Ýīsā and Ādam; we went to all of them to help us but they couldn’t // And the entire creation is made to turn towards thee, and this glory is only for thee!

12. You split the moon with a gesture; you brought back the sun // You restored the day back to evening after it had set; these lights and illumination are all for thee!

13. The swift breeze blows for the gardens to blossom; the flowers bloom for our days to be pleasing // and under the Standard, may Raza's mouth open only to praise thee, my master!


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