Translation of "Zarre Jhar Kar Teri Pezaaro Ke" - Kalaam e Ala Hazrat

Published on Thursday, 19 March 2015 20:56 in Hada'iq e Bakshish - Read 34217 times

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Kalaam written by Sayyidi Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Rida Khan (Allah is pleased with him), translated by Mufti Zahid Hussain al-Qadri

Zarre Jhar Kar Teri Pezaaro Ke
Taaj e Sar Bante Hai Sayyaro Ke

Particles of dust fall off your sandals 
They become the crowns on the heads of the moving stars 

Hum Se Choro Pe Jo Farmaaye Karam
Khil'ate Zarr Bane Pushtaaro Ke

As he blesses thieves like us with his generosity 
The load on the back transforms in to golden robes

(When the thief has stolen, he carries the stolen goods on his back. Here thieving is in the meaning of committing sin and not actual thieving)

Mere Aaqa Ka Woh Dar Hai Jiss Par
Maathe Ghiss Jaate hai Sardaaro Ke

The doorstep of my master is that upon which
Grazed are the foreheads of leaders

Mere Eisa Tere Sadqe Jaaoo(n)
Tawr Be Tawr Hai Hai Beemaro Ke

My Eisa, may I be sacrificed on you 
Wrongdoings are the doings of the ill

(This means that even though our doings are all wrong and we are disobedient, our master Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him is still our Eisa (gives cure to our illnesses).)

Mujrimo Chashm E Tabassum Rakkho
Phool Bun Jaate Hai Angaaro Ke

O Criminals keep your eyes smiling in hope
Burning coal become flowers in this court

Tere Abru Ke Tasadduq Pyaare
Band Karre Hai Giriftaaro Ke

Sacrificed upon your eyebrows, O Beloved 
The ties of the captives are harshly strong

(Ya Rasool-Allah, through the gesture of your eyebrows you can release the harsh and strong ties which have kept us captives (may mean in the capture of Shaytaan and sin))

Jaan O Dil Tere Qadam Par Waarey
Kya Naseebay Hai Tere Yaaro Ke

Lives and hearts they sacrificed at your feet 
How fortunate is the fate of your friends

Sidq O Adl O Karam O Himmat Me
Chaar Soo Shohrey Hai Inn Chaaro Ke

In honesty, fairness, generosity and courage 
These four are famous in all four corners (of the world)

Behr E Tasleem E Ali Maidaa(n) Mai
Sar Jhuke Rehte Hai Talwaaro Ke

For saluting Ali in the battlefield 
The heads of the swords remain bowing

Kaise Aaqaao Ka Banda Hu Raza
Bol Baale Meri Sarkaaro Ke

A servant of such masters am I Raza
Respect and honor of my masters flies high!

Read 34216 times