al-Ghaus al-A‘zam Shaykh Sayyid ‘Abd al-Qâdir al-Gilani

Published on Monday, 23 April 2012 22:41 in Islamic Personalities - Read 5020 times

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‘Abd al-Qâdir al-Gilani, whose title was Abū Muhammad, is also known as Muhyi’al-Dīn, Qutb-e Rabbâni, al-Ghaus al-A‘zam and Sultan al-Awliya’ (the sultan of the saints). He is both a Sayyid and a Sharif. He was born in 1078 in the Persian province of Gaylan. It was in this town that he was eventually to begin his religious studies. He later moved from Gaylan to Baghdad, where he continued his education. Selecting the Hanbalī school, he concentrated on this school in fiqh and became well-acquainted with Tasawwuf while preaching at the Abu Said Madrassah. His Sufi path, al-Qadriyyah, was named after him.

Among the books that have come down through the generations from him are Al-Ghunya, Al-Fath ar-Rabbānī, and Futūh al-Ghayb; these mainly consist of his sermons and advice. Shaykh al-Gaylani died in Baghdad in 1166. His tomb, which is visited by millions of people every year, lies in Baghdad.

Some of his writings are as follows: 

“Acting by the Qur’an elevates you to the level of the Qur’an and installs you there. Acting with the Sunnah (the Hadīths of the Prophet śallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam) elevates you to the Prophet, the Messenger of Allah śallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam). With his heart and spiritual protection the Prophet śallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam) is indivisible from the hearts of the friends of Allah, even for a single moment. It is he who beautifies the hearts of the friends of Allah, who gives them fragrance. It is he who purifies their essence and cleanses them of negative feelings and beautifies them.

Remember Allah that He may remember you. Remember Allah that this remembrance (dhikr) cleanses your sins. May you remain without sin. May you be an obedient believer, free of sin. At that time He will remember you. That remembrance will so enfold and occupy you that you will have no time to desire anything else. That will be your sole aim and desire.

O people! Islam weeps. It has placed its head in its hands. It is beset by the fajarah, the fasiqūn, the ahl al-bid‘ah, oppressors, those who bear false witness, those who lack the virtue they claim to possess. It seeks the help of pure and devout Muslims against them.

May you eat and drink as if you eat and drink for the last time. May your meeting with your family be one of farewell. May your meeting with your Muslim brother be one of farewell. Always remind your heart that it is entrusted and that it is in a constant state of farewell. How can anyone whose destiny is in the hands of another not be in a state of entrustment and farewell? He knows not what tomorrow will bring, how matters will end, not what destiny will bring him.

Therefore, repent at once, and endeavour not to sin again. Escape your sins and run towards your Lord with speedy steps. When you repent, repent both internally and externally. Repentance lies at the heart of being an acceptable servant in the sight of Allah. Remove and dispose of the shirt of sin with a sincere repentance and true modesty before Allah.

O you who turn your back on the way of Allah and concern yourself with the affairs of this world! I regard you as one who pleases other people but who angers Allah. It is quite certain that you will soon be taken from this world. Death will take you from it. You will be seized by the one who seizes much painfully, much powerfully and in many forms, and will be taken hence. You will lose and abandon all you have in a single moment.” (Al-Fath ar-Rabbānī)

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