The title ‘Tāj ush-Sharī’ah’

Published on Monday, 23 April 2012 22:43 in Islamic Personalities - Read 6113 times

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The blessed title ‘Tāj ush-Sharī’ah’ (the Crown of Sharī’ah) was given to ash-Shaykh Muhammad Akhtar Ridā (may Allah preserve him) on the 18th August 1984 at a function organised by Bazm e Raza. The title was confirmed by the renowned Jurist, Ahmad Miyāñ. Furthermore, Tāj ush-Sharī’ah was also given the title of ‘Faqīh ul-Islam’ (The Jurist of Islam) by Shaykh ul-Hadīth, Sayyid Shāhid ‘Alī Ridawī (may Allah bless them both).

Tāj ush-Sharī’ah has been bestowed with many more blessed titles from the eminent scholars of Islam.

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