Bequest (Wasiyyah) by Sayyidi Taaj al-Shari'ah

Published on Sunday, 22 July 2018 11:04 in Islamic Personalities - Read 5782 times

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"The religion of us Qādirī servants is the same religion as that of Shaykh ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī. My bequest (waṣiyyah) is that you all stay firm upon it and in particular this bequest is also to my murīds.

In my travels, on many occasions, I have relayed this bequest of mine to people. As I am now almost constrained from reading and writing, I ordered and requested that this bequest of mine be transcribed – that those who are part of the silsila ʿāliyyah nūriyyah riḍawiyyah qādiriyyah barkātiyyah through me, they must remain firm upon the methodology (maslak) of the Ahl al-Sunnah, the methodology of Ālāḥazrat and the methodology of al-Gawth al-Aʿẓam.

A person is only my murīd if he is firm upon this methodology. The one who has deviated from this methodology, he is not my murīd. This bequest of mine is also for my children and my family members.

From my family, the family of Ālāḥazrat, whomsoever you find firm upon this methodology, follow them and support them. And, Allāh forbid, if a person from the family of Ālāḥazrat deviates from the methodology of Ālāḥazrat, the methodology of al-Gawth al-Aʿẓam, the methodology of the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ and this religion, then do not look at the fact that he is from the family of Ālāḥazrat. Instead, you need to look after your own religion. This is my bequest and this is my advice (naṣīḥah).

Allāh give me and you all the ability to stay firm upon this truthful religion."


Transcribed from a speech by our master, the rightful heir of Imām Ahl al-Sunnah Imām Aḥmad Riḍā, the Grand Muftī of India, Tāj al-Sharīʿah Muftī Akhtar Riḍā Khān – Allāh have mercy on him, elevate his station further and grant us the ability to follow his bequest and advice.

Translator’s note: the methodology (maslak) of the Ahl al-Sunnah, the methodology of Ālāḥazrat and the methodology of al-Gawth al-Aʿẓam are one and the same. Various names are given to the methodology of the Ahl al-Sunnah in order to distinguish the truthful methodology during different eras and in different parts of the world.

Muhammad Kalim
A humble servant of Tāj al-Sharīʿah raḥimahullāh

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