Taajush Shari'ah on Mujahid e Millat & Muhaddith e Surati

Published on Tuesday, 03 March 2015 22:11 in Islamic Personalities - Read 7428 times

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It is the Urs Sharif of Mujahid e Millat Hazrat Mawlana Habeebur Rahman Sahib ‘Alayhir Rahmah on 6 Jamad al-Ula and of Hazrat Mawlana Wasi Ahmad Muhaddith Surati ‘Alayhir Rahmah on 7 Jamad al-Ula. Can Hazrat share some words regarding the life and roles, and the services to Ahlus Sunnah of these luminaries, jazak-Allahu khayran. 


Their services do not require explanation, and their elevated stations are beyond words. Mujahid e Millat was as is his title – Mujahid e Millat (Striver for the Nation), and he received the benevolence of the knowledge and the honour of studentship of A’la Hazrat Azeemul Barakat radiy-Allahu Ta’ala ‘anhu through Sadrush Shari’ah Hazrat Mawlana Amjad ‘Ali Qadiri Razawi Barakaati. And he was initiated into the spiritual chain of A’la Hazrat through Huzur Hujjatul Islam, my paternal grandfather. And it can be said without exaggeration that he was fana (annihilated) in his love for Huzur Hujjatul Islam. He would speak of Huzur Hujjatul Islam all the time. And he was the epitome of humility, extremely simple in dress, and he had a very modest disposition. None could deduce from his attire that he was a great ‘Alim – he would live like normal people, but he had a great place in the hearts of the public and the ‘Ulama of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah. And he truly strived for the nation (millat), for the people and for the Deen, and he upheld the truth and disproved falsehood domestically and in foreign lands, and he endured difficulties because of it. And I have heard of an incident: there is a custom of rickshaws in Bareilly Sharif. He sat in a rickshaw, coming out of the Saudagaran street. He asked the driver for his name. Coincidentally, the driver said his name was Hamid Raza. Mujahid e Millat gave the driver money and said, “I have made a big mistake.” The driver was left perplexed, and after insisting, Mujahid e Millat explained, “This is the name of my Peer, I cannot sit in this.”

And Hazrat Wasi Ahmad Muhaddith Surati Rahmatullahi Ta’ala ‘Alayh was the teacher of Sadrush Shari’ah and of the students of Sadrush Shari’ah; and he was an eminent ‘Alim of Ahlus Sunnah. And he was the very Muhaddith e Surati who spread the science of Hadith in India. And his students include the likes of Sadrush Shari’ah in eminence and diligence. And he was a peer of A’la Hazrat Azeemul Barakat radiy-Allahu Ta’ala ‘anhu and was very inspired by him.

Answered by Sayyidi Huzur Taajush Shari'ah Allamah Mufti Akhtar Rida Khan (http://jamiaturraza.com/session/25Mar12/1.mp3)

Translated by Neesarahmed Amjadi

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