Message of Taajush Shari'ah to the Muslim Ummah

Published on Monday, 21 December 2015 17:26 in Islamic Personalities - Read 5700 times

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The Message of Sayyidī Tājush Sharīʿah to the Muslim Ummah
Urs e Razvī 1437/2015

  1. At this moment in time, countless religious tribulations have arisen. The safety of your Īmān (faith) and ʿAqīdah (creed) is only in keeping yourselves away from them. Therefore, separate yourselves from such institutions, movements and organisations that are taking you towards free thinking1 and Sulḥ-kulliyat2.
  2. Affiliate yourselves with those scholars and Imāms, khanqahs and madrasas that are propagators and epitomes of the Truthful Methodology, Ahl al-Sunnat wa al-Jamā’at – Maslak e Alā Ḥazrat.
  3. He who deviates from the statements of the Imāms openly, particularly those of Alā Ḥazrat, is not a reliable and reputable scholar or Muftī. Do not consult such people in matters related to the Sharīʿah and do not rely upon them.
  4. In non-essential matters, it is neither beneficial for the masses nor the elite to express avid interest in them. Thus, refrain from getting involved in such matters.
  5. Disseminate and circulate books that have been written on Īmān and ʿAqīdah and on reforming society (iṣlāḥ e muʿāsharah); especially the works of Alā Ḥazrat. On occasions of Īṣāl e Thawāb, along with preparation of food, arrange for books to be distributed as much as is possible.
  6. In urs events of the pious and in Mīlād Sharīf gatherings, propagate the accurate teachings of Islām by distributing religious pamphlets, monographs and books.
  7. Keep yourselves away from all movements and organisations bearing Wahhabī-Deobandī ideologies, particularly Daesh, Tālibān etc. and inform especially non-Muslims that such organisations are not Muslim organisations, and neither are their actions in accordance with the true teachings of Islām.
  8. Act according to the edicts issued by the Sharʿī Council of India, Bareilly Sharif, which is the organisation of reputable Muftīs and jurists of Ahl al-Sunnat.
  9. Students in religious institutes should not become scholars of the religion solely for the purposes of acquiring a job, but rather with the passion of serving the religion, and after equipping themselves with the necessary qualities for propagation, they should begin propagating.
  10. Honourable Imāms should arrange weekly seminars on the Qur’ān, Ḥadīth and Fiqhī rulings in their respective Masājid, and they should supervise their community vigilantly, so that no deviant can corrupt the ʿAqā’id of the Ahl al-Sunnat.
  11. Inform your children about Ḥussām al-Ḥarmayn3, al-Ṣawārim al-Hindiyyah4 and other books on the ʿAqā’id of Ahl al-Sunnat, and certainly keep these books in your homes.
  12. The Markaz of Ahl al-Sunnat, Bareilly Sharīf, and the teachings of the Imām of Ahl al- Sunnat, Alā Ḥazrat, are a mighty stronghold for the protection of your Īmān and ʿAqīdah. There are many dangers in leaving this fort.
    The jungle is deserted, the night is dark, the black clouds are overshadowing;
    O those with gold! Stay awake, for thieves are wandering.
  13. Those speakers and lecturers who deride the Sharīʿah and scholars in private gatherings or openly on a stage, and those who support such criminals – isolate yourselves from all of them; do not invite such speakers and do not listen to their speeches.
  14. Stay in touch with scholars and Imāms who are true followers of Ahl al-Sunnat and consult them regarding your religious matters.
  15. Students studying in colleges and universities should frequently study the translation of the Qur’ān, Kanz al-Īmān5; Tamhīd e Īmān6; Buzurgo key Aqīdey7 and Jā’ al-Ḥaqq8.


[1] Ie free thinking in matters of religion. As we are governed by the Sharīʿah, there is no such a thing - the Sharīʿah is the final word.

[2] Sulḥ-kullīs: Those wanting unity with all types of heretical and deviant sects, without wanting them to repent for their blasphemous statements.

[3] A book containing a Fatwā of kufr on the prevalent deviant sects, written by Alā Ḥazrat, previously in his book al-Mustanad al-Muʿtamad, along with attestations of 33 scholars of the Ḥaramayn Sharifayn.

[4] A book containing attestations of 268 scholars from the subcontinent on the Fatwā of kufr found in Ḥussām al-Ḥaramayn, compiled by Allāmah Ḥashmat Alī Khān.

[5] Urdu translation of the Qur’ān by Alā Ḥazrat. English version based on the Urdu translation available.

[6] Book on the importance of revering the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ and exposing the heresies of certain sects; written by Alā Ḥazrat. English translation available.

[7] Book on the creed of Ahl al-Sunnat proven using anecdotes and statements of the pious predecessors, particularly those who deviants also revere; written by Faqīh e Millat Muftī Jalāluddīn Aḥmad Amjadī.

[8] Book containing proofs in support of the creed of Ahl al-Sunnat and answering the objections of the deviants upon these tenets, written by Muftī Aḥmad Yār Khān Naīmī. English translation available.

Translation and footnotes by Muhammad Kalim (Preston, UK)

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