The Counsel of Mufti Abu Dawud Muhammad Sadiq

Published on Tuesday, 06 October 2015 16:38 in Islamic Personalities - Read 3808 times

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The Counsel of Mufti Abu Dawud Muhammad Sadiq rahimahullahu Ta’ala (1929 – 2015 / 1348 – 1436 H.)

  • Be steadfast in fulfilling Salah, fasting, Hajj, Zakah and other obligatory actions.
  • Make your appearance and looks, exterior and interior in accordance to the Shari’ah and Sunnah.
  • Wear the preferred attire of our beloved Master ﷺ – the Shalwar & Qameez and keep the sleeves full-length.
  • Recite Durood and Salam upon the Messenger of Allah ﷺ in abundance.
  • Protect yourself from disobeying your parents and pledge allegiance on the hands of a complete [kamil] spiritual guide.
  • Always protect yourself from usury, bribery, theft, tale bearing, backbiting and other immoral acts.
  • Adorn your face with a fistful beard, the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
  • Abstain from photography and video [of living beings].
  • Do not sit in the company of those who are heedless of the religion, non-practising and bad.
  • Instead of [adopting] new fashion, act upon the Sunnats of the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ.

ہم امتی ہیں رسولِ کریم کے جو کچھ انہیں پسند ہے وہ ہے ہمیں پسند ان عاشقوں کا میں ہوں ادنی نیاز مند جن کو میرے حضور کی ہے ہر ادا پسند
We are the nation of the benevolent Messenger – whatever he prefers, we too prefer I am a lowly servant of those lovers – who prefer every aspect of the Messenger of Allah

Translated as a tribute to the great scholar of the Ahl al-Sunnah, successor of Muhaddith e A’zam, Mufti Abu Dawud Muhammad Sadiq Qadiri Ridawi rahimahullahu Ta’ala. May Allah forgive him, grant him the highest station in Jannah and elevate his rank – Aameen!

Translation by Muhammad Kalim (Preston, UK)

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