Clarifying an accusation levelled against Tajush Shariah

Published on Friday, 13 March 2015 19:50 in Islamic Personalities - Read 4893 times

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On the 1st of March, we came across an English article regarding a conference that was held in Dehli. From it we found out many things about the conference, and that is judging this document from a positive perspective. Additionally in this document, the writer has repeatedly mentioned Huzoor Tajush Shari’ah (Allah preserve him) and has held him accountable for many such things that he was unaware of. The writer himself has admitted that the attendance of Huzoor Tajush Shari’ah was not confirmed. The writer revealed through his document the supposed motive of Mawlana Shahabuddin and Mawlana Shu’ayb Raza behind organising the conference. We are unaware of what the real situation actually is.

The attendance of the scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah was solely upon the basis that it is a Sunni conference. They fully refuted Sulh-kulliyat and persuaded the public to stay firm upon the methodology [Maslak] of Ahl e Sunnat Wa Jama’at. Huzoor Tajush Shari’ah, briefly in a few words, also placed emphasis on abstaining from Sulh-kulliyat and expressed his unawareness too. Regarding the motives of the conference the writer has expressed, it is his duty that instead of placing the responsibility on someone else, he should find out about the situation from those who he has mentioned. 

Shaykh Mahmood Affendi has reached that phase in life where one cannot ask him anything. The one close to him, Shaykh Jabbali has expressed his hatred towards Qasim Nanotwi and other Deobandis, and he has expressed his agreement and devotion with A’la Hazrat in creed [Aqa’id]. Thus whatever the writer has penned regarding Shaykh Mahmood Affendi, from it there can be no accusation levelled against Huzoor Tajush Shari’ah. Moreover, Shaykh Mahmood Affendi is unaware of the disbeliefs [Kufriyat] of the Deobandis, as we have learned from his close student. Additionally, the exegesis [Tafsir] mentioned, neither we nor our Shaykh has seen it. If the writer wishes, in this regard, to take up the matter by investigating, then he should contact the followers of Shaykh Mahmood Affendi present in Turkey, and if he desires to express hatred from his heart through fictitious words, he is free and may say whatever he wishes. 

Another important point is that there was no plan whatsoever to call Huzoor Tajush Shari’ah a Mujaddid. 

An additional responsibility upon the writer is that he should ask the organisers why they included the names of those who would not be able to attend. 

By a humble mureed and servant of Sayyidi Tajush Shari’ah.

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