Shab e Bara'at Message by Ala Hazrat

Published on Wednesday, 04 July 2012 16:06 in Islamic Events - Read 9357 times

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Shab-e-Bar’aat is near. In this night, the deeds of everyone are presented to Allah Almighty. For the sake of the dignified Messenger [sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam], Allah Almighty forgives the sins of Muslims, however, Allah Almighty says to those two Muslims who have mutual tension due to wordly reasons ‘leave them as they are’, until they do not reconcile and make up. Offer each other’s rights or otherwise forgive them so that (with the permission of Allah Almighty) when the book of deeds is presented to Allah Almighty, it is clean from the sins pertaining to violating public rights. For violating the rights of Allah Almighty, a ‘true repentance’ is sufficient,

Whosoever repents from his sins, is as though he didn’t commit the sin in the first place. [Hadith]

...with this condition (by the permission of Allah Almighty) there is a strong hope of complete forgiveness and salvation, provided the beliefs are correct.. This sunnah of reconciliation and creating unity between brothers, also pardoning or begging pardon for violated rights, is Alhamdulillah, continuously running here year after year.

I hope that you will also impose this upon the Muslims and hence act in accordance with this (narration):

The one who innovates a good innovation in Islam will get its reward and the reward of those who will practice it until the Day of Judgment without lessening the rewards of those who practice it.

Make Dua for this beggar's salvation and for his prosperity in both worlds.This beggar supplicates and will continue to supplicate for you (In sha Allah). Reconcile, unite, and forgive each other truly and whole-heartedly because an insincere tongue and hypocrisy are disliked in the court of Allah Almighty.

Message by Imam Ahmed Rida Khan alayhir rahmah

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