"Where is that poor man? Find him!" - An incident from the life of Mufti e Azam

Published on Thursday, 28 March 2013 15:58 in Imam Mustafa Rida Khan - Read 3336 times

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Mawlana Dr. Muhammad Aasim Aazmi narrates that Hadrat Mufti Aziz-ul-Hasan Qibla Khalifa e Mufti-e-A'zam narrated an incident of Qutb-e-Aalam Huzur Mufti Al-A'zam:

"It is the year 1965. Hadrat arrived in Malegaou and at that time I was a Shaykh-ul-Hadith in Darul Uloom Ashrafiya Malegaou. He stayed at the Darul Uloom. It was early morning. Hadrat is present in a vast room in which his mureeds and his admirers are sitting reverently around him. Every person is presenting with his need and plea. Hadrat would inscribe a Ta'aweez and supplicate for each person. Meanwhile, a dispised looking person with torn old clothes and with signs of stress on the face; entered the room and sat down near Hadrat. He greeted Hadrat with Salaam. Hadrat raised his head and replied the greeting. The man kissed his hands and Hadrat asked about his well-being. The man said with tearful eyes:

"Huzoor, I am a poor man. I have to get two of my daughters married. Please issue me with a Ta'aweez so that the wedding can be arranged"

Hadrat replied with softness that you are a poor man. You will surely receive the Ta'aweez. Sit here for a while. Then Hadrat became busy in making Ta'aweez for everyone. After issuing the Ta'aweez to a few people Hadrat looked towards the poor man but the poor man was not there. He searched the whole room but that poor person was not present. Hadrat asked, "Where is that poor man? Find him!"

People stood up and started searching for that person. They went near the Darul ulooms, to the shops and cafe but they couldn't trace him. They returned and informed Hadrat. Hadrat said: "He is a poor person. Ta'aweez needs to be given. Go find him." Everytime he kept saying the same sentence. People became worried. That poor person was a total stranger. Nobody knew him, so they couldn't find him.

The people who were to be the host for Hadrat at their residence were waiting to take Hadrat with them for breakfast. These people informed Hadrat that the car is waiting. Let us leave. But Hadrat replied: "He is a poor man. Ta'aweez needs to be given. Find him." In this way, a significant amount of time passed. Finally Hadrat sat in the car but he kept saying, "He is a poor man. Ta'aweez needs to be given. Find him".

After one and a half hour later, Hadrat returned to the Darul Uloom with these words in his lips, "He is a poor man. Ta'aweez needs to be given. Find him." Saying this, Hadrat entered the room of the Darul Uloom. The entire gathering was silent and stressed. After a few moments, that poor person arrived and when Hadrat saw him, he smiled at him and said, "You have come!" Then Hadrat took hold of some papers and a pen and began writing the Ta'aweez and Hadrat gave it to the poor person.

At the end of the gathering, some people asked about Hadrat's state when he went away for breakfast. They stated that we presented breakfast to Hadrat but Hadrat did not eat anything and kept saying, "He is poor. Ta'aweez needs to be given"

Such attention for the poor people and service to the creation of Allah Ta'ala can only emerge from the Friend of Allah! This is Huzur Mufti Al-A'zam.

(Jahaan e Mufti A'zam, pg 845)

"Kya mere ghar ki udaasi na kabhi jaaye ghi?
Kya ghareebo ke yahaa ab na kabhi aaoge?

Meri routi hooi aankho ne pukaara tumhay,
Ay Mere Shaykh mere khwaab mei kab aaogay?"

Translated by Tehseen Raza Hamdani Nuri

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