Refuting the Allegation that Sayyidi Ala Hazrat Disrespected Sayyidah Aa'isha

Published on Monday, 01 December 2014 20:23 in Imam Ahmed Rida Khan - Read 11085 times

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Answering the Baseless Allegation that Sayyidi Ala Hazrat Disrespected Sayyidah Aa'isha in Hadaiq e Bakshish Volume 3

Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh

We live in a time when the Deobandiyya and Wahaabiyya have nothing better to do than to make up baseless lies against our Akaabir (senior) Sunni Ulama.

They have spent a good part of a century trying to discredit Imam Ahmad Rida Khan Radi Allahu Anhu and his works, to cover up their own blunders and false beliefs, written by their elders in their books.

One of these baseless accusations is that the Great Imam disrespected Sayyidah Aa'isha in his poetry. After reading the following, it will become crystal clear as to how far the Deobandiyya will stoop to hide the truth.

Imam Ahmad Raza compiled his classical poetry work "Hadaiq e Bakhshish" in two parts, and it was published in 1325 AH [1908 CE]

Imam Ahmad Raza passed away in 1340 AH [1921 CE]

Two years after the passing away of Imam Ahmad Raza, that is in 1342 AH [1923 CE], Mawlana Mahboob Ali Khan collected different manuscripts of Ala Hazrat's work and gave it to Nabah steam press (Patiala, India) to be published. Since Imam Ahmad Raza had already passed away Mawlana Mahboob Ali Khan used the word ‘Radi Allahu ta’ala anhu’ on the title page, and as the first two volumes of Hadaiq e Bakhshish were published in 1325 AH, Mawlana Mahboob Ali Khan wrote the year of publishing for this book too as 1325 AH. It was also written on the title page that the Murattib (compiler) was Mawlana Mahboob Ali Khan.

The point to take from the above is that Imam Ahmad Raza himself never compiled "Hadaiq e Bakhshish Vol 3".

Mawlana Mahboob Ali Khan gave different manuscripts of Imam Ahmad Raza’s kalaam to Nabah Press (Patiala, India) who took the responsibility of compiling as well as publishing it.

The publisher [knowingly or unknowingly] took couplets from two different manuscripts and couplets which were written in regard to Umm Zara, was added to poetry which was written in honour of Sayyidah Ayesha Siddiqa Radi Allahu Anha.

Thirty two years after Hadaiq e Bakhshish Vol 3 was published, that is in 1374 AH [1955 CE], the Deobandis started spreading propaganda that Mawlana Mahboob Ali Khan has shown disrespect to Sayyidah Ayesha Siddiqa Radi Allahu Anha and due to this crime he no longer should lead the prayer in Jamia Masjid Bombay.

Mufti e Azam Hind, Mawlana Mustafa Raza Khan Radi Allahu Anhu writes: “As far as I remember Kazim Ali Deobandi was the first to raise this issue publicly in a meeting at Kanpur”.

[Mohammed Azeezur Rehman, Bahawalpuri, Faisalay Muqaddima Shariah Quraniah, Published from Majlis e Raza, Lahore, 1984, page 81]

The compiler and the publisher, knowingly or unknowingly, wrote a few couplets written for those eleven women [as mentioned in Hadith] along with couplets written in praise of Sayyidah Ayesha Siddiqa Radi Allahu Taala Anha. The book was published with this mistake. It was first pointed out by a Sunni scholar Allama Mushtaq Nizami when he brought this to the attention of Mawlana Mahboob Ali Khan in a weekly newspaper published from Mumbai.

Mawlana Mehboob Ali Khan said that he did not write those couplets for Sayyidah Ayesha Radi Allahu Taala Anha. Since it was due to his negligence, he did tawba and this tawba was published from Mumbai and Lucknow.

In Lucknow it was published in monthly “Sunni”, Zil Hajjah 1374 [ 1955 CE].

Commenting on this tawba Mufti Mazharullah Sahib writes, "This was addressed to the editor of monthly “paasbaan” Allahabad, that today on the 9th of Zil Qa’ddah, 1374, this humble servant accepts his fault and carelessness and asks Allah ta’ala to forgive me. Ameen.”

After this he mentions the reason for his mistake. He writes;

“The verses dealing with Umm Zara had seven couplets which I divided into 3 sections as I could not find the remaining couplets for this topic. After each section I wrote Alaihida to differentiate it from the other sections. Also the couplets dealing with praise of Sayyidah Ayesha Siddiqa Radi Allahu Taala Anha was mentioned in other sections. Due to some reasons I could not arrange and edit this work and it was handed over to Nabah Steam Press who took the responsibility of editing and publishing. After the book was published I found one of the couplets from the section of Umm Zara in the section praising Sayyidah Ayesha Siddiqa Radi Allahu Anha. When the book was published and the error was pointed out to me I thought I will correct this in the second edition of the book. I ask Allahu ta’ala to forgive me for my mistake and carelessness. Ameen.”

[Monthly "Sunni", Lucknow, page 17 - Mufti Mazaharullah Dehalvi, Fatawa Mazahari, Madina publishing company, Karachi, Vol 2, page 393]

Thereafter, the tawba was also published. It reads as follows:

Important Announcement: (Zaroori Ailaan)

“Hadaiq e Bakhshish Vol 3, pages 37 and 38 have been published with mistakes of couplets getting mixed up. This humble person has already published his tawba. May Allah accept this tawba. Ameen.

I request all Sunni Muslim brothers to forgive me for the sake of Allah and His Messenger. Ameen.

My Address - Abu Zafar Muhibbe Raza Mohammed Mahboob Ali Qadri Barkati Razvi Mujaddidi Lucknowi, Jamia Masjid Bombay, Zip Code 8.”

[Mohammed Azizurrehman Bhawalpuri, Faisala Muqaddas Shariah Qurania, pages 31- 32]

Mawlana Mahboob Ali Khan did a verbal and a written tawba many times which was published in numerous magazines, Sunni Lucknow and Roznama Inqilab, Bombay on 10 July 1955 .

[Monthly Raza e Mustafa, Bombay, August 1955, page 17]

For more detailed information read Faisala Muqaddas Shariah Qurania - this book consists of fifty eight pages. One hundred and nineteen scholars of the Ahlus Sunnah signed the tawba of Mawlana Mahboob Ali Khan. They agreed that Mawlana Mahboob Ali Khan had repented and as per the Shari'ah this had to be accepted. The scholars who signed this include:

Mawlana Saleem Qadri, Imam Jamia Masjid Banaras

Faqeer Abul Fatah Hashmat Ali Khan sahib

Sayed Muhammmad Ashrafi sahib Mufti Mazaharullah sahib

Mufti e Azam Hind Hadrat Mustafa Raza Khan Alayhirrahmah

Hazrat Allama Mawlana Zaffaruddin Bihari Alayhirrahmah

I sincerely hope this puts an end to these baseless accusations against Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Alaihir rahmah as it is clear to see that Imam Ahmad Raza Khan died in 1340 and this book Hadaiq e Bakhshish Vol 3 compiled by Mawlana Mahboob Ali Khan was published in the year 1342. Imam Ahmad Raza Khan is nowhere associated with this mistake, rather it was made by others - as has been made clear above.

The Deobandis and Wahabbis should concentrate on their own books and the filth contained within them such as "Tahzeer un Naas", "Hifzul Imaan" and "Barhine Qati'a" and the dozen others like these.

جَاءَ الْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ الْبَاطِلُ ۚ إِنَّ الْبَاطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقًا -

"The Truth has arrived and falsehood has vanished; indeed falsehood had to vanish."


Faqeer Mohammed Shakeel Qadri Ridawi (London, UK)

8th Safar al Muzaffar 1436. Monday 1st Dec 2014

Verified by Mufti Zahid Hussain al-Qadri.

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