Is it permissible to watch films?

Published on Friday, 20 April 2012 15:10 in Islamic Personalities - Read 3819 times

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Is it permissible or not to see films, in other words cinema, since a new Hajj film has been currently released and is now showing in Calcutta. We have been informed that the Ulama of Arabia and Egypt have said it to be permissible to see and the kings (leaders) of Arabia and Egypt have personally seen the film and liked it. They have asked Muslims to see this film and thus many Muslims have said that if the Ulama of Arabia and Egypt say it is permissible then there should be no harm in watching it and how will it be impermissible to see?

We hope that you will enlighten us concerning the command of Allah and His Rasool (Sall Allaho Alaihi wasallam) so that we may be protected from improper practices.


Allah Allah! What an era has arrived that Muslims are not sure and having a doubt whether a thing like cinema is halaal or not. Who dreamt that they would get their dream of this being permissible come true? 

Who thought that the general public and the knowledgeable who always looked as this as something improper and haraam would be not only hearing about this, but also seeing it. Who would have thought that there will be those who will say it to be permissible?

Who would have thought that something like this with music, dancing, pictures and other corrupt actions will be considered to be permissible one day? That too is not for any other reason, but because the general public and the leaders of a certain place are involved in it.

Even the most illiterate and simple person would not have thought that one day those who called themselves Molvis would make that which is the action of kings and leaders look like it is Shariat. They would make halaal and haraam that which these rulers stipulate. This is such a impermissible and haraam act.

Until now, Muslims knew that the Aalims are more firm compared to the ignorant and the learned are more firm compared to the general public and are those who stay away from sin. 

The time has now come, where some of those who call themselves Molvis follow the words of rulers and instead of warning them against this and pressurising them from abstaining from such actions, they accept the statements of these rulers and try to make it proof of permissibility (Allah


They accept such a corrupt statement (about seeing films) that they find themselves assisting those who wish to make the lives of Muslims a spectacle for others to watch. Hajj is a fundamental pillar of Islam. Making a spectacle of this is to make Deen a joking thing ‘Fa Inna lil laahi wa Inna ilaihi Raji’oon Wa Laa Howla Wa Laa Quwatta il’la bil’lahil aliyil


To see films is totally haraam and to see Islam being made a spectacle by watching the hajj film is haraam upon haraam. This is an incorrect and bad action. To be pleased with this Hajj film is to be pleased to make a mockery of your Deen. What is worse and more improper than this? If one needs to find out more about the rules regarding this singing, dancing and photos, one should see the books, Ataaya Al Qadeer and At Tajeer written by Aala Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu).

Some people become so carried away in the presence of rulers that they can not differentiate between day from night. They agree with everything that these rulers command them and they think of this to be necessary. Those who do this should know that the condition of the Deen of the Ruler makes a difference on the people.

People loose themselves in the ways of their rulers, but until today I don’t think that someone has taken the statements and actions of rulers and tried to use it as permissibility for something in the Shariat, or they felt the Shariat is in the hands (control) of the rulers and the actions and statements should govern the Shariat.

That which is being discussed (regarding the Ulama) is only known due to pamphlets and posters etc. It can not be confirmed whether the Ulama of Arabia and Egypt did say this to be permissible or not. The true Ulama will never make such statements and can never be pleased with such things.

This could be a ploy as well to disgrace the true Ulama of Arabia and Egypt. These people who try to disgrace the Ulama are not only found in the Indo-Pak but everywhere else and these people are spreading in India like water raining over the earth. It is amazing what kinds of people are today being called Maulana and Allama. These are such persons who have no knowledge of Deen.

In the past, they tried to fool people with their huge turbans and long jubas. Now they have suddenly started lecturing. Some of them got jobs in theatres and learnt how to orate and sing and then suddenly become so-called Allamas. They write incorrect articles in newspapers and either they write Allama with their names or they ask their friends to do this.

Such people also get three of four people to follow them around addressing them as Allama and very soon they become well known by this title (which they are not worthy of). Wa la howla wa laa Quwatta il’la bil’laah If it is true that some of the Moulanas in Egypt have seen this film and sanctioned it, then they are Moulanas like the ones mentioned above and Allamas like the ones mentioned above. No true Aalim-e-Deen can do such a thing and say such things.

Even here in Dehli there is a disgraced one who watches films and writes about it in papers. In the same way, some servants of the world and servants of the riyal have sanctioned the hajj film. Now, even if all these prominent people of the world see this film which many must have seen already and they all agree that it is good, will this make it permissible? Will this, make that which is haraam, halaal? Never will this be so.

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