House built on a grave -- Repentance

Published on Friday, 20 April 2012 15:14 in Islamic Personalities - Read 2520 times

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There is a cemetery where there were graves of Ulama, Awliyah and other Muslims. A certain person flattened this place and built a house and he built toilets and bathrooms on these graves, which are parts of the house. When he was asked to abstain from such a despicable act, he became very angry and blatant.

Now, what is the height of his crime according to the Shariat and if he wishes to make tauba, what is the compensation for this act and to whom should he give this compensation?

This person is very sinful and worthy of the fire of hell and the wrath of Almighty Allah. He has transgressed his duties to Allah and to the servants of Allah. It is fardh upon him to repent. He should repent and retract from this act with a sincere heart. He should be ashamed of this sinful act and all his other sins and turn towards Allah for pardon. He has to re erect the graves which he has destroyed. He should retract his
ownership of the cemetery.

He must immediately get rid of the toilets and bathrooms. That
area that is contaminated through impurity must be immediately cleaned and purified. Just by repenting by word of mouth will not be sufficient. He should apologise to those living there and he should continue making Esaal-e-sawaab for the deceased whose graves he destroyed and on whose graves he built toilets and bathrooms.

He must ask forgiveness from those families for insulting them when he harmed the graves of their relatives who were buried there. He has hurt their feelings too.

May Allah bless him with this opportunity. 

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