Forgot Quran

Published on Sunday, 22 April 2012 21:14 in Miscellaneous - Read 4192 times

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 Assalamualaykum, I have memorized Quran 6 years ago and now due to my laziness i have forget it....Please help me telling the way that how to memorize it again...either by only reading more and more or memorizing it..i am a student and have to remain indulge in university mostly ...Please tell me the effective way to quickly memorize it..JazakAllah 

Wa Alaykum Al-Salam,

May Allah forgive you and your laziness. One must always continue to revise what he has memorised from the Quran in order to protect it in his heart. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said,

"Be careful in regards to the Quran. I take oath by He in whose hands is my life, there is more chance of it (the Quran) leaving the heart than the camel leaving its rope" (Bukhari, Muslim) 

The Messenger of Allah also said,
"No man reads the Quran and then forgets it but will meet Allah on the day of Judgement with severe leprosy" (Ab Dawud)

Repent to Allah and seek His forgiveness as it is impermissible to be lazy in such matters. Do not waste more time and begin to memorise as much as you can every day. The quantity u memorise is not as important as continuity and steadfastness. If you make it a habit of taking time out every day to recite and memorise a certain amount before sleeping at night or in the morning, and continue everyday without fail then Allah will bless you immensely and make it easy for you. Our pious predecessors always said there is more blessings in that which is done consistently (constantly without missing). Fear Allah and fight the laziness, give priority to the hereafter rather than the future of this materialistic world.

And from Allah is all help,

Zahid Hussain Al-Qadri
(Beggar at the doorstep of Scholars) 

Read 4191 times