Covering the Body

Published on Sunday, 22 April 2012 21:10 in Miscellaneous - Read 3455 times

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What is the compulsory ruling of covered elements needed for a man and women. for example allowed to show face, hands etc...


The Almighty Allah says in the Quran,

"Tell the believing women to lower their gaze, protect their modesty and to not display their adornment but that which is apparent itself" (Surah Al-Noor, Verse: 31)

From this verse, the Fuqaha (Jurists) deduce that women must cover all their body besides the face, hands and feet. This is supported by the Hadith of our master, the great Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him),

"When a female has her first menstrual cycle (reaches puberty) then it is not permissible for her to display anything but her face and hands till her wrists" (Sunan Ab Dawood)

The Hanafi Fuqaha allow the display of feet due to the allowance in the chapter of Hajj as mentioned in our books of Hanafi Fiqh,

"All the body besides the face, hands and feet".

Another narration from Sayyiduna Abd-Allah Ibn Mas'ood is not free from benefit,

"An awrah is an awrah (the arabic noun for a female which means a hidden object) when she leaves the house the shaytan glances at her". (Tirmizi)

The female is highly precious and valuable and thus must be wrapped up and covered well whilst in public in the same way as an owner or possessor of precious pearls, crystals or diamonds covers and hides them whilst in public. The aim of both is protection from the evil eye. In our day and age, there are too many (evil eyes).

As for the men, the exalted Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said,

"From below the navel till below the knees" (Daar Qutni)

In Durr and Radd it says,

"For the man, from below the navel till below the knees is the awrah which means the navel can be left uncovered but the knees must be covered" (Bahar-e-Shariat)

Those who engage in sports and wear shorts should take heed from this ruling.

This is the compulsory ruling in our shariah and Allah knows best.

Zahid Hussain Al-Qadri
(Beggar at the doorstep of scholars) 

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