Is smoking Sheesha permissible?

Published on Sunday, 22 April 2012 21:44 in Food - Read 9111 times

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Wa Alaykum Al-Salam,

The usage of the Huqqah (also known as sheehsha and water pipe) can be permissible and can be impermissible, depending on it's contents (substance). If tobacco is used, which does not have the capibility of intoxicating a person to such an extent that the person would not know what he utters and stumbles whilst walking, it is permissible and there is no reason to regard it as not permissible or haram. In Al-Hadeeqah Al-Nadiyyah, Allamah Abd Al-Ghani Al-Nablusi writes, "From amongst the generally practiced innovations is the usage of the Huqqah and the drinking of coffee which is common amongst the general and specific public in todays time. The truth is that there is no reason for it's hurmah (regarding it haram) and neither for it's karahah (regarding it makrooh). In Al-Durr Al-Mukhtar it is regarded the same as onions and garlic. Ibn Abideen comments on it, "Which is permissibility in the chosen school". Imam Ahmad Tahtawi and Allamah Ab Al-Sa'ood write in it's foot notes regarding the comparison of it with onions and garlic, "it is not hidden that the karahah is minor (tanzeehi) which is permissible".

Today many Scholars have discovered many disadvantages of smoking tobacco and therefore regarded it as severely disliked or haram. Although these opinons are based on assumptions and far from the correct opinion for mere assumptions and estimations are not enough to establish something as severely disliked or haram in Islamic Fiqh, it is still better to refrain from unnecessary consumption.

As for smoking a substance that has the capability to intoxicate a person to an extent where he does not know of what he utters and stumbles whilst walking is impermissible, regardless of its quantity.

For more information on the Huqqah, one should refer to Huqqah Al-Marjaan Li-Muhimm Hukm Al-Dukkhaan written by Imam Ahmad Raza (Allah is pleased with him).

And Allah knows best.

Zahid Hussain Al-Qadri
(Beggar at the doorstep of Scholars) 

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