How to Respond to Blasphemous Film - by Taajush Shari'ah

Published on Wednesday, 26 September 2012 20:11 in Messenger of Allah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam - Read 4947 times

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Question: Nowadays, a tribulation in the form of a film is spreading rampantly. Islam, the Muslims and especially the Beloved Prophet [peace be upon him] have been blasphemed in the film, to describe which, the heart trembles. We seek refuge in Allah. Due to this, Muslims all over the world are disappointed. Protests and demonstrations are being held in many parts of the world. 
We ask your eminence: What should be the role of the Ahl us-Sunnah in this case? What is the way in which we can protest? What is your message to such blasphemers?

Answer: Such blasphemers are the enemies of Allah and His Messenger [peace be upon him]. Allah [Exalted is He!] has destined for them such a wrath, the result of which, they will witness in this life itself. And painful torment is prepared for them in the Hereafter. 
My advice to the Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah is; oppose such tribulations with patience and forebearance. Express your state and anger by holding peaceful protests. Express your increased firmness on the path of the Ahl us-Sunnah. Keep all the enemies of Islam and heretics away from yourself and stay away from them as well. 

Question: What is the ruling upon the one who intentionally watches the film in order to refute it, or for the sake of verification (of its reviling nature) or without any reason?

Answer: Watching it without any reason is haram [prohibited], an evil deed and the cause of a bad result. If someone watches it and carries on, the ruling upon him will be harsher. In any case, watching something haram, is haram. Refutation of the film or the verification (of its reviling nature) is not dependent upon watching it. Therefore, in my opinion, watching the film cannot be permissible. Especially, for the Ulama, it is extremely abominable and a reason for being slandered. Thus, the Ulama should listen to its contents in audio form and refute it eloquently.

Answers by Huzur Taajush Shari'ah Mufti Akhtar Rida Khan

Translated by Najibullah Qadiri

Read 4946 times