Great Words for a Great Person by a Great Scholar

Published on Monday, 22 September 2014 18:56 in Islamic Personalities - Read 4014 times

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"Listen! In this day and age, if there is any fountain-head of Ala Hazrat’s blessings and excellence, a complete representative of Ala Hazrat and a true successor of Ala Hazrat’s knowledge, wisdom, blessings and virtues, then it is Hazrat Taaj al-Shari’ah Allamah Azhari. I have seen his entire life; from childhood until now – when he was very young, I was in Bareilly studying the beginning books of Farsi (Persian) under my honourable father (Sadr al-Shari’ah) and I would sometimes carry him in my arms and walk with him here and there. Since then I have been observing him, and I have found his personality to be extremely marvellous. As soon as he became older, even then I saw such piety that many tend to diverge from after the early stages, but – all praise is for Allah – he remained with piousness.

To study, he travelled to Al-Azhar (university in Cairo, Egypt), where many students from India travel to; among them, excluding a few, many shorten their beards, however from his beard, not even one hair was shortened – This is the status of Taaj al-Shari’ah. I have personally read the commendation of Sayyidi Murshidi Mufti Azam with my own eyes; in which he writes,

"I have appointed Maulvi Akhtar Raza Khan Qadri as my deputy [qayim maqam], whosoever needs any religious edicts or any other work from me, they should obtain it from him [instead]."

If in his early life Mufti Azam appointed Taaj al-Shari’ah as his deputy, then imagine how great Taaj al-Shari'ah's excellence and blessings are now."

By Huzur Muhaddith e Kabeer Allamah Zia ul Mustafa Azmi

Transcribed/Translated by Muhammad Kalim (Preston)

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