Huzur Taajush Shari'ah on Consuming Coca Cola, Pepsi etc

Published on Monday, 14 July 2014 17:59 in Food - Read 6185 times

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Question: What is the ruling on consuming Seven Up, Pepsi etc. and serving them as Niyaz in Majalis and Mehfils?

Answer: Until it is proven in the Shar’i way that they contain something that is prohibited, consuming Seven Up and Pepsi cannot be declared impermissible because the default state of things is purity and permissibility.

When a specific bottle or a specific container or a specific drink is proven to contain a specific prohibited substance, then that specific drink will become Haram and impermissible; mere hearsay or the supposition that it may contain something that is prohibited is not enough for it to become impermissible nor will something be declared to be impure or impermissible on this basis. Thus, its consumption is permissible and can be kept in Niyaz etc.

However, if there is suspicion... and it has been heard about Coca Cola, Pepsi etc that these are products of Jewish companies and it is possible that they may have added something, and it has also been heard that the money or profit reaches so-called Israel – I say so-called for the reason that Isra’eel is the Laqab (appellation) and name of Hazrat Ya’qoob ‘Ala Nabiyyina wa ‘Alayhi’s Salatu wa’s Salam, and the regime and the people are not worthy of this name because they do not have belief in him – so the money is invested in that regime and in those who are the enemies of Islam therefore if Muslims can abstain then they should abstain.

Answer by Taajush Shari'ah Mufti Akhtar Rida Khan

Weekly Q&A 27th June 2010 -

Translated by Neesarahmed Amjadi


Read 6184 times