Representative of Maslak e Ala Hazrat - Qari Muslehuddin Siddiqui Saheb

Published on Monday, 07 April 2014 14:24 in Islamic Personalities - Read 5469 times

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Huzoor Taajush Shariah says regarding Qari Muslehuddin Siddiqui:

“Hazrat Allama Qari Muslehuddin Siddiqi (Allah is pleased with Him) did Bay’ah on the hands of Sadrush Shariah Allama Mufti Muhammad Amjad Ali Azmi (Allah is pleased with Him), and entered the Silsila Aaliyah Qaadriyyah Barkatiyyah Raziyyah as well as being his successor (khalifa). Similarly he has Khilafat from Huzoor Mufti Azam Hind (Allah is pleased with Him) and was the representative of Maslak-e-Ala Hazrat in his time. His services in the Khori Garden Masjid and in Karachi are worth immense praise. Also a major part of his circle is filled with youth who are Alhamdulillah attached to the Silsila Aaliyah Qaadriyyah Barkaatiyyah Razviyyah and are a major group working for Razviyyat, they love and revere Ala Hazrat and Mufti Azam e Hind (Allah is pleased with them) as well as love the family members of Ala Hazrat. Hazrat Qari Saheb loved me dearly, when I first went to Pakistan, he took out his time and accompanied me in programmes, and treated me with love. He regularly supported me and whenever I went Pakistan thereafter, I lead the first Jumah Salah of Karachi in his Masjid from then until now, under his supervision. After him Mawlana Shah Turabul Haq Saheb took the role, who is his son in law and khalifa, as well as an ardent lover of Hazrat Qari Saheb. He is the representative of Maslak e Ala Hazrat connected with Mufti Azam. Alhamdulillah, a major stamp of Razviyyat was upon Hazrat Qari Muslehuddin Siddiqi Saheb (Allah is pleased with Him), after him it is Mawlana Shah Turabul Haq Saheb who carries the work for Razviyyat.”

[Weekly Q&A, 21st May 2010]

His Demise:

On the night of Tuesday, after Isha Salah, Qari Muslehuddin Siddiqui (Allah is pleased with Him) attended an event at the Memon Masjid which was held to commemorate the Urs of Hujjatul Islam Mawlana Hamid Raza Khan (son of Ala Hazrat). Huzoor Taajush Shariah, Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan and Allama Shah Turabul Haq were also present. Qari Saheb as well as Huzoor Taajush Shariah spoke on the topic of death and the soul. The next day, Wednesday, after leading the Zuhr prayer, Qari Saheb went to his house to prepare for an event, when suddenly he was struck with a heart attack. Whilst being taken to the hospital - Qari Saheb’s soul left this mundane world. (Wednesday, 23rd March 1983 at 1630 PST (7th Jamadi al-Thani 1403H - 04:30pm)). Qari Saheb's Janazah was led by Huzoor Taajush Shariah and was attended by thousands of people.

Huzoor Taajush Shariah was asked about this incident, whether it can be used as a proof to show the Ilm e Ghayb of the Awliya, to which Taajush Shariah replied:

“What can I say regarding this matter? It can be said that whatever is going to happen Allah informs his servants. Regarding “every soul will taste death” [the verse of the Holy Quran] – I spoke on this matter and so did Qari Saheb”

[Weekly Q&A, 30th April 2012]

Fact file

Date of birth: 11th Rabi al Awwal 1336AH coinciding to December 1917AD

Place of birth: Qandhar Shareef, district Nandeer, Sauba Aurangabad,  Hyderabad - Hindustan (India)

Early studies: 1362AH Jamia Arbiya Nagpur India

Respected teacher: Hafiz e Millat Hazrat Allama Abdul Azeez

Bay'at: Sadrush Shariah Allama Qadi Amjad Ali Azmi

Islamic services: Imam and lecturer at Jam'i Masjid, Sikandrabad, Haidrabad

Services in Pakistan: Akhwand Masjid Kharadar, Jam'i Masjd Wahkaint Rawalpindi, Memon Masjid Muslehuddin garden

Head of: Madrassah Anwarul Qur'an Qadriyyah Razviyyah, Bazm e Raza, Zia Tape library

Teaching services: Jamia Arbiya Nagpur India, Darul Uloom Mazhariyya Araambag, Darul Uloom Amjadiyyah

Khilafat: Qadriyyah, Razviyyah Barkatiyyah, Sanusiyya, Shadhiliyyah Munawwariyyah, Mu'ammariyyah, Ashrafiyyah

Children: Muhammad Salihuddin Siddiqui, Muhammad Misbahuddin Siddiqui, Muhammad Moinuddin Siddiqui. 3 daughters.

Successors: Hazrat Allama Shah Turabul Haq Qadri (Karachi) 
Hazrat Allama Abdul Azeem (Bengal)

Date of demise: 7th Jamadi al-Thani 1403H (Wednesday, 23rd March 1983 at 1630 PST) age- 68 years

Mausoleum: Memon Masjid Muslehuddin garden (previously known as Khori garden Masjid) Karachi

Monthly Fatiha: On the 7th day of every month, after Maghrib prayer, a Naat event is held at the Mausoleum (Mazaar).

Translated by Muhammad Kalim (Preston)

The Blessed Dargah (Mausoleum) of Qari Muslehuddin Siddiqui
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